Oh My God!

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"What film do you fancy watching?" Louis asks Harry laying on Harry's bed

"Erm, why ask me I'm indecisive" Harry laughs "the notebook?"

"The note book? Really?" Louis questions Harry's suggestion

"Have you not watched it?" Harry asks him Louis shakes his head

"No, I don't do lovey dovey shit" Louis shoots Harry down

"We are watching it, you are going to cuddle me and you are going to love it I know you will trust me on this" Harry gets up and puts the dvd into his dvd player, he climbs back on to his bed and gets under the covers cuddling up to Louis

The door opens causing Harry to jump a mile he pulls away from Louis and looks at the door "hey guys" Gemma smiles "hey Louis" she waves over towards him she looks at the TV "the note book! My favourite, let me come and watch it with you please?" She asks and of course Harry says says yes as he doesn't want to cause Gemma to wonder why they wanted to watch a romantic just the two of them Gemma crawls into the middle of the bed

"Shall I put it on downstairs? More room on the sofa" Harry says feeling uncomfortable with the fact that she was sat between him and Louis

"No, you've already started it" Gemma says as the first scene comes on of the river and the birds "now shh Styles I want to watch it" Gemma turns to Harry which makes Louis laugh Gemma turns to look at Louis smiling she observed his face noticing how handsome he was up close, she was only a few years older than him she thought, little did she know he was just one year younger than him and he was lying about being her brother's age.

As the movie went on and Noah and Allie start dancing in the middle of the street and share a kiss Louis finds Gemma's hand rubbing up and down his leg he turns to look at her and she flashes him a smile. Harry who is unaware of the circumstances between Gemma and Louis stands up and pauses the film "just nipping to the looking be back in two" he says walking out the room

Gemma turns to look at Louis "you know you are rather attractive" she smiles "Harry has done well finding a friend like you" she says "you know I'm up for a little fun if you are" she leans closer towards Louis, Louis is in utter shock and disbelief he is still processing what she says before he realises that she is kissing him, his work mode kicks in and kisses her back they move sloppy for a few seconds before she pulls away smiling "glad we are on the same page" she smiles

"Same page of what?" Harry walks back into the room smiling

"Louis said that he likes this film so far" Gemma says talking before Louis says anything

"Anyone fancy a drink? Or food? While the film's paused" Harry asks

"I'm good thanks Haz" Louis says hoping that he would stay in the room

"Couldn't bring a share bag of maltesers up could you?" Gemma asks smiling Harry nods leaving the room she turns to face Louis "he'll be fine for a minute" she says kissing his lips again this time with a little more passion she pulls away pecking his lip before saying "if your in need of a helping hand in the night my door is always open" she winks

Louis has no idea of what to say but he know that he had to ask straight and yeah if he was straight he would definitely take up the offer "I may just pop in then" he smiles hiding the fact that he was in fact cringing

"Harry could be your brother in law if we got together" she says gushing "your gorgeous Lou" she pecks his lips again she puts her hand under the cover and places it on his crotch rubbing her hand up and down pushing down with pressure

"There you go" Harry says throwing the pack on the bed Gemma lifts it up to her mouth and tears it open with her teeth. Harry peels back the cover a little and sits next to Gemma again. Louis stifles a moan as he feels himself become aroused by Gemma's actions even though he tried so hard not to.

Harry looks over at Louis in confusion, Louis looked hot sat there he wanted him. He wanted Gemma to go back to her room and for it to be just him and Louis. Harry presses play on the remote he then takes a handful of maltesers putting them on his lap, he eats the chocolate from around the honeycomb ball first then let's the ball melt in his mouth. Louis let's out another low moan and then starts coughing vigorously, Harry looks at him "do you want a drink Lou?" Harry asks him Louis doesn't reply he just shakes his head to say no. Harry's attention turns back to the television.

The film soon ends where Noah tells Allie that he was the one that she had loved, but had forgotten about due to her dementia and he was lying next to her in her care home bed holding hands after him telling her the story of how they fell in love. The ward nurse walks in to the room and Harry bursts out into tears, they die Together, after her having no recollection of Noah but he tells her the beautiful story of their love and she falls in love with him again. Harry looks over to Louis, he can see a year rolling down his face too he smiles at him.

Gemma crawls across Harry and leave the room "night" she smiles closing the door

"Told you it was amazing" Harry said scooting closer to his friend

"Yeah, it was good. But I don't really know how to put this... Let's just say your sister gave me a hand during the movie" Louis says looking down

"What?" Harry raises his voice alittle. Louis felt his heart racing what video Harry kicks him out now? What if Harry won't see him again? All these questions flood Louis mind

"I didn't give her any signals I promise, she even tried to kiss me" Louis says, he thought honesty was the best policy even if Harry wanted nothing to do with him after.

"I'm going to kill her" Harry says standing up walking towards the door

Louis stands up and grabs hold of his arm "Please don't" he pulls him back "you dont want her to get suspicious do you. You know that your the one that I want anyway" Louis hugs Harry a tear rolling down his face

"I won't leave you with her Lou, not until I'm ready to come out" Harry says he steps back and sits on his bed "maybe in the next few weeks I'll do it. If they don't accept it, they don't deserve me" Harry says quite confidently

"Too right. Don't rush into anything though, only do it if it feels right" Louis kisses Harry's forehead

"What we're your parents like when you came out?" Harry asks Louis

"They already knew before I came out, but they were really accepting, it made me and my mum's bond even stronger" Louis smiles

Harry's eyes lock with Louis's and they lean in not hearing the door open, their lips touch "oh my god!" A voice shouts as they see the pair kissing

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