You wear her make-up?

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From: Louis
Hey, just got home from work. Fancy a video chat? X

To: Louis
Yeah sure, give me two mins and I'll be with you, just got to finish something

From: Louis
Okay, sure x

Harry rushed to his room flew his uniform off and put on clothes that were alittle more cool trying to impress Louis. His heart flutters as he wants to look good. Louis gives him these butterflies in his stomach, he thought that he was possibly falling for the older boy, he couldn't contain his excitement he squealed jumping up and down before sitting in front of his sister's mirror which he had stole from her a few weeks ago. He brushed his hair, he found Gemma's concealer which was stored on the tray under her mirror, he's used this a few times before too. He dabs his finger into the creamy peach tub and presses it under his eyes where he has dark circles, he then dabs some onto his spot on his chin. He looks in the mirror and smiles. He looks okay he thinks to him self. He runs his hand through his hair making it a little messy.

He opens his laptop up and clicks on the Skype icon he clicks on Louis and presses the video recorder icon to chat to him, the connecting sign comes on and is soon ment by the older boy with blue eyes.

"Hi you" Louis laughs looking right into the camera making Harry's body shake with nerves

"Hey, you had a good time at work?" Harry asks him

Louis pulls a face before replying "it was okay, couldn't say it was amazing because of what the job is but yeah it was okay" he bites his lip

"Had any private sessions?" Harry asks smiling

"Gosh. I'm the most booked" Louis replies he smiles "thinking of getting a proper job though. One where I don't have to take my clothes off to pay my rent" he chuckles

Harry's mind wonders off thinking of what Louis body looks like, if he had a six-pack, or if he was just rather flat chested. He looks back to the screen to where Louis was laughing to himself

"What are you laughing at?" Harry smiles "better not be me" he warns him

"You just looked as if you were in another world" Louis smiles "by the way you hair looks bouncy today" he complements Harry to which Harry becomes one big red mess

"Because I'm worth it" Harry flips his hair imitating the advert which makes Louis burst out laughing

"You know what?" Louis says

"What?" Harry asks him smiling still giggling

"As well as hot, your funny" Louis says making Harry's blush even more

"Stop making me blush" Harry hides his face. Harry's door opens wide and Gemma comes bounding in

"Who are you talking to?" She asks Harry picking up her mirror "I'm taking this back, have you been in my make up again! Harry! You owe me some more" she walks back out the door and slams it shut.

"Was that Gemma?" Louis asks smiling Harry nods laughing "you wear her make-up?"

"Only a little, just to cover spots" Harry says to which Louis nods

"So, I was wondering if you want to meet? It's been on my mind the whole day" Louis spills excitedly but then there was also doubt in there too, what if Harry said no to him, what if Harry isn't ready.

Harry's eyes lock onto Louis's on the screen he smiles wide before saying "I'd love to. I'd love to meet you!" Harry exclaims

"I'm so excited! I know we haven't been talking for long but I feel as if I've known you for years" Louis smiles, his eyes look even more blue then they were before

"Can't wait. I better go now though think mums home" Harry says smiling

"Bye Harold" Louis says waving before disconnecting

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