I think she fancies you

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"so this is your humble abode" Louis smiles waking into Harry's house "it's much nicer than mine Louis sighs

"I'm sure yours is nice Lou" Harry smiles "want anything to drink or eat, you must want something driving all that way" Harry offers walking into the kitchen

"I'll have a tea if that's okay?" Louis said to which Harry starts open his mouth until Louis cuts him off "before you say anything I'm a Yorkshire lad, tea is everything"

"Okay, I wasn't going to say anything just asking how you take it" Harry laughs

Louis smirks at what Harry had just said "no no, not like that... Dirty minded aren't ya" Harry shakes his head

"Milk, no sugar" Louis replies through laughter taking a seat on stool of the breakfast bar. "This you as a baby?" Louis points to a photo on the wall

"Yes, thanks mum for cringy baby pictures around the house" Harry sighs

"But baby Harry is cute" Louis replies making Harry blush yet again

"Will you stop making me blush Lou" Harry says handing Louis his drink and sitting opposite him with his drink.  "So, how come you booked the week off work?"

"Had time to take, no reason really other than that. It just worked out well that you were off school" Louis replies taking a sip of his tea "best Brew I've ever had!" Louis exclaims

"Is it legal?" Harry asks Louis to which Louis looks at Harry blankly, confused as to what Harry had just said "our friendship?"

"There isn't any legal requirements for a friendship... But even if this progressed into something more it would still be legal because your 16 right? You didn't lie about your age right?" Louis questions Harry looking into this eyes

"No, I wouldn't lie about that" Harry smiles "but who says it's going further?" Harry looks at Louis

"It's was just an example" Louis says, making his hear break a little. Maybe seeing him in real life has confirmed to Harry he doesn't like him in another way he thought to himself.

"Want to take your things to my room?" Harry says standing up after finishing his cup of tea

"I'm staying in your room?" Louis asks standing up picking up his bag off the floor to which Harry nods

"Unless you fancy sharing with my mum or sister?" Harry smiles

"Makes sense" Louis chuckles "so I'm going to see the room that I see you in on my computer in real life?" Louis gasps

"Yes, yes you are" Harry turns to look at Louis smiling brightly

Harry went up the stairs first which Louis was quite grateful for as he was blessed by the sight of Harry's arse waddling up the stairs. Once they got to the top of the stairs Harry turned the handle of his bedroom door feeling nervous as to letting Louis in, he might hate his room what if it wasn't grown up enough for Louis, even though Louis was only a few years older than him Harry felt really young. Harry pushed open the door and walked inside taking a seat on his bed.

"Your room is nicer than mine too, fancy swapping houses?" Louis asks Harry joking

"You like it?" Harry asks taken a back, he thought he'd hate it

"Yeah, why did you think I wouldn't or something?" Louis takes a seat next to Harry

"I was worried incase you thought it was the grown up enough" Harry says

"Well I'm not very grown up anyway I'm only 19, but yes I do like your room" Louis says wrapping his arms around Harry, Harry placed his hand on Louis thigh "thank you for letting me stay with you. I promise I won't try anything either, I know you've not full sure of how you feel, so I wouldn't want to make you feel uncomfortable. Just to ease your mind"

"Thanks Lou, that means a lot to know that you care about my feelings" Harry says neither of them pull away from the hug they felt comfortable in eachother embrace until they hear the front door slam shut they soon pulled away. "That's probably Gemma" Harry says sighing "great"

"Don't you get on with her?" Louis asks

"Yeah, we get on well. It's just didn't expect her back so soon. Thought she was on a long shift" Harry explains "rather be alone for a bit longer" he says looking up at Louis with loving eyes.

They could hear her stomping up the stairs she did a double take into Harry's room "who's this then?" She smiles looking at Louis biting her lip

"Gemma this is Louis, Louis this is Gemma my sister" Harry says

"Well, Louis you should feel rather privileged as Harry hardly invites anyone over" Gemma teases Harry before turning around and going into her room

"I think she fancies you" Harry says standing up and closing the door Harry lyes back on to the bed to which Louis copies cuddling up next to him.

"Well I've only got eyes for one of the Styles siblings" Louis says looking at Harry's green eyes smiling

Louis thinks this would be the perfect opportunity to kiss him but he said he'd wait until Harry felt ready.

"I-i do like you Lou. I like you a lot. 'Cause if I'm being honest I can feel myself falling for you and you coming here has confirmed that for me. But I still don't feel ready to go any further yet, just this, this is fine." Harry says wearing his heart on his sleeve stuttering at first

"I get it, this is the first time we've met. I told you I wouldn't push you into anything you aren't ready for" Louis says putting his arm around Harry cuddling him.

A hour or so later they here a "hello" coming from downstairs "that's mum" Harry says "we better go and see her, remember your sixteen and you go to my school" Harry says getting up and walking down the stairs. This is where Louis was worried that he may slip up, he's so use to saying he's nineteen.

"Hi mum" Harry hugs his mum "you had a nice day?" He asks her

"Yeah, it was busy but it was alright" She says

"And you must be Louis!" She exclaims hugging him "sorry, I'm just a hugger" she says pulling away "so your parents are away are they?" She asks

"Yes, that's right. They've gone to Italy for the week and I don't fancy staying at home with my 6 sister's" Louis replied

"You've got 6 siblings?" She asks smiling

"7 actually, got a younger brother too" Louis smiles

"Fancy a takeaway tonight boys? I've got a date lined up" she asks them both

"Please, mum" Harry says "what do you fancy Lou?"

"Pizza or a Chinese?" Louis replies looking at Harry smiling

"Let's go pizza, Little Papa's is amazing" Harry winks at Louis

"Too right" Louis agrees with Harry even though he has no idea what Pittle Papa's is.

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