Say Hi!

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As Harry lyes in his bed hoping to drift off to sleep he open the omegal app on his phone having no luck getting to sleep. The main reason Harry had the app on his phone is because he likes to go on here to find new people to find out new things... not because he's horny. But he mainly went on it when he was bored and couldn't sleep at night.

You are now talking to a random stranger, say Hi!

You: Hi

Stranger: Hey

You: how's you?

Stranger: ASL?

You: 17, M, UK

Stranger: 18, F, USA

Stranger: wanna have some fun? You have kik?

You: oh...

You- Disconnect

You are now talking to a random stranger, say Hi!

Stranger: Hey

You: Hi :)

Stranger: add me on kik öwen mesuet

Stranger has disconnected.

That happens alot. That what most people come on here for Harry thought to himself sighing. He's always hoped he'd meet a friend on here or even a girlfriend. But he had no luck in that. Not even in the real world he didn't have much luck when it came to dating, in fact he's never had a date before. He's only ever dated one girl and that was in year 4 in primary school so that didn't really count.

It was only 11pm harry thought to himself, he could try putting an intrest in and seeing if that could help him make a friend. He types in "Ed Sheeran" Harry has always liked Ed maybe he could find someone else who likes him as well as him.

Stranger: Hi?

You: Hi :)

Stranger: the names Freddie

You: mines Harry :)

Harry smiled to himself maybe just maybe he's found someone normal for once and not a sex freak.

Stranger: Where you from Harry?

You: Just England

Stranger: Ah cool, I'm from America. Well gotta go bye

And that was it Freddie had disconnected from Harry.

You are now talking to a random stranger, say Hi!

Stranger: Oops!

You: Hi

Stranger: Hi, the names Louis :)

You: my name is Harry

Stranger: nice to meet you Harry :)

You: your not wanting my kik to sext are you?

Stranger: erm, not that I know of why?

You: Because alot of people are on here for that. Just trying to be safe, because anything could happen.

Stranger: good for you Harold. So how old are you?

You: Just turned 16 last month

Stranger: oh cool, 3 years younger then me, 19 here so tell me about yourself Harold

You: Well... I've got brown curly hair, green eyes, I'm tall and I live in England, you?

Stranger: I've got brown straight hair, blue eyes, I'm also from England and I'm 7"4

You: oh which part? I'm from Holmes Chapel in Cheshire... is that the size of your....

Stranger: Doncaster that's about an hour away from you.
It might have been... ;)

You: I take it that your gay then?

Stranger: yeah I take it your not?

You: no I'm not gay! Never even looked at a guy that way before.

Stranger: Oh okay... So tell me more about yourself you have a girlfriend?

You: no, I've only ever had one and that was in year 4 in primary school... I haven't had much luck around girls to be honest. How about you? Have you got a boyfriend?

Stranger: Ah sorry to here that. No I haven't.

You: have you ever had a boyfriend?

Stranger: yeah but it didn't last long. Never really had any luck with anybody. So what brings you on here?

You: sorry to hear that. I don't know really, I guess I just come on here when I'm bored. But sometimes I come on here in hope of making a friend... I'm no good at finding the words to say to people in real life, it's just easier to type my feelings. How about you?

Stranger: I guess I'm the same, I come on here when I'm bored. But that's actually quite cute, but I get how you feel... it's hard to be yourself around people and be accepted for who you are x

You: thanks I guess... but it's not cute...

Stranger: Harry, I know we've only been messaging for not long (for like 30 seconds) but I can see where your coming from. I get how you feel. I know its not the same situation, but I know how hard it is to feel accepted and weather or not people will accept you for who you are, as not many people accept gay people

You: yeah, must be hard...

Stranger: So you got any brothers or sisters?

You: yeah, I got a sister, Gemma. You?

Stranger: I have 6 sisters and one brother

You: wow your parents were busy

Stranger: yeah... my parents broke up when I was 5, I don't have anything to do with my father now

You: my parents split when I was 7, but I still see my dad. But not that often

Stranger: Well that's one thing we've got in common

Stranger: I've got to go now, my number is 07783666321 if you wanna talk anytime, I'd love to get to know you more x

Harry's heart fluttered as he read the message that Louis had wrote last, you could also say that his hear skipped a beat as he saw the kiss at the end. He didn't know what it was but he wanted to find out more about Louis. So he saved Louis' phone number into his phone then tuned the screen off so that he could get some well needed rest for college in the morning.

Stranger has disconnected

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