I am a mega Taylor Swift fan

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To: Louis

From: Louis
Hey, I really didn't think you would text after last night...

To: Louis
Well I did... the thing is I might like you...

From: Louis
As a friend?

To: Louis
I thought so, but no, I'm just a little confused at the moment, I've never you know felt this way before

From: Louis
Oh, I didn't know that, well if you need time I'll wait for you x

To: Louis
It's okay... So where are we sat at The Script?

From: Louis
I think it's the second row from the front. Which means I get to see Danny up close at personal *sighs in delight*

To: Louis
You have a thing for him?

From: Louis
Well yeah, he is pretty fit though. Don't you think he is?

To: Louis
I've never really thought about Danny O'Donoghue in that way before to be totally honest.

From: Louis
He is fit. What other music do you listen to?

To: Louis
Mainly the Beatles, Ed Sheeran, The Killers, Stevie Wonder... anything really, what about you Louis,  what do you listen to?

From: Louis
I like Ed Sheeran too, he has an amazing voice. I listen to The Fray, The Killers and this new band that I found on YouTube called 5 Seconds Of Summer, they're pretty cool.

To: Louis
The Fray and the killers are pretty cool. I'll have to check that band out st some time :)

From : Louis
You must and tell me what you think of them.

To: Louis
Yeah I will. Want to play 2 lies one truth?

From: Louis
Oh yeah... let's :-p

To: Louis
1) I wore the same t-shirt every day in secondary school.
2) I know how to juggle
3) I took ballet lessons last year to try to become more graceful

From: Louis
This one's tricky... I'm going to go for 3 as the truth?

To: Louis
Seriously??? I'm way to graceful for ballet. 2 was the truth ;)

From: Louis
1) I was interviewed on the news once
2) I am a mega Taylor Swift fan, I've met her and got her autograph :)
3) I was once on waterloo road

To: Louis
I'm going to say waterloo road as that one seems more likely

From: Louis
Your actually right! Only a small bit. I wanted to be an actor. Still do but I doubt anything will happen

To: Louis
Don't doubt yourself Lou, anything could happen...
Okay,  1) I still believe in all things... Santa etc..
2) I have a dog named dog
3) my middle name is Gregson

From: Louis
Well the first one could be a big possibility... second one also could be true.. but I think you said you have a cat. The third one I don't believe. So I'm going for the first one ;)

To: Louis
Yeah that's right...

From: Louis
I've got to work now :/ but I'll text you later x

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