Would you rather have Kim Kardashian arse or her boobs?

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To: Louis

From: Louis
Hello who's this?

To: Louis
It's me, Harry :)

From: Louis
Oh, hi!

To: Louis
I'm bored... stuck at school with some dicks

From: Louis
Dicks huh?

To: Louis
No seriously... all they do is talk about girls as like they are just a piece of meat. They mark them out of ten when they go past and have practically slept with most of them.

From: Louis
Sounds like Harry's jealous!

To: Louis
No I'm not. I'm not a man slut unlike them who fuck anything with a pulse... I just want to find the right person although that's hard at times

From: Louis
I bet it's not as hard as me at the moment... you really picked the wrong time to text me Harry...

To: Louis
I don't want to know... just help me over the boredom please

From: Louis
Fine. I guess I'll have to see to Jonny after. Wanna play would you rather?

To: Louis
Did you really name... seriously? Okay that's better then nothing

From: Louis
Yeah I did okay then, would you rather have Kim Kardashian arse or her boobs?

To: Louis
Erm I'd have to say arse... because it'd look like I had moobs if I had her boobs. Would you rather never have sex again or have it with a woman for the rest of your life?

From: Louis
I'd have to say never have sex again, because I don't fancy putting my dick in that... thanks Harry you actually helped me then, the thought of that made me flop lol

To: Louis
Ah okay thanks for that image...

From: Louis
Your welcome okay, would you rather never meet me or meet me and hate me?

To: Louis
Agghh... neither. But if I had to choose one it would have to be the first one, because I don't hate you and hate is a strong word. Would you rather never see a picture of me/see what I look like or never here my voice

From: Louis
The first one... who cares what you look like.... people judge way too much on looks/style and it's not right. But does it really matter what you look like if we're just friends? I mean your not gay...

To: Louis
That's all I ever get judged on. I know I'm not the best looking guy in the world but people don't need to shout it out and talk about it behind my back.

From: Louis
You don't have to hide yourself from me, I don't care what you look like. We're friends right? Friends don't judge each other x

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