I'm definitely big spoon

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"Okay, which celebrity would you rate as a perfect 10?" Louis asks Harry taking a bite of his steak

"Frankie Sandford, from The Saturdays... Have you seen her?" Harry swoons, yes he swoons over the singer Louis shakes his head so Harry picks his phone up and finds a picture of the brunette singer he shows Louis and Louis beings to laughs "why b is it so funny?"

Louis takes Harry's phone and puts it next to his face it takes Harry 10 seconds to figure out why Louis was laughing

"Damn, that is freaky... You look like a girl" Harry teases "hi Louise" Harry puts his hand out to shake Louis' hand to which Louis shakes his head "any way, your celebrity crush, go"

Louis smiles before saying "Channing Tatum" he blushes

"Well I certainly don't look like him" Harry laughs sipping on his Coke his and Louis eyes lock while Harry is sucking on his straw Harry pulls away laughing

Once they both finish their meals Louis pays and they head back to Harry's house. As the draw nearer to Harry's house they notice Anne, Harry's mums car on the drive "so I've got to try and keep my hands to myself now" Louis says taking his hand off Harry's knee

"Sorry, I dont think I am ready to tell her yet. Plus I doubt she'd let you sleep in my room" Harry says looking at Louis. They pull up around the corner and Louis takes the keys out of the ignition

"It's okay babe" Louis kisses Harry's cheek " you ready?" Louis unbuckles his seatbelt and opens the car door Harry doing the same, they walk side by side to the door have brushing against eachother, both wanting to hold hands but the one just scared to.

Harry opens the front door and let's Louis in. Harry hears Anne in the living room watching some crime series on the television that she'd got stuck into the last month. They both walk into the living room making Anne startle pausing her programme. She looks up at both of them and smiles "hi boys, what have you two been up to today?"

"We layed in this morning then just been for a walk to get some lunch" Harry smiles sitting down on the sofa "how come you're home?" Harry questions Louis sits down next to Harry

"Lunch break, working in this area today so could come back. But tomorrow I'm off to the beach so I can't" she frowns. Anne is a social worker and travels alot for her job helping young children and teens who are in the social system she can had a kind heart and Harry idolised her.

"Nice" Harry smiles taking his shoes off and puts them to one side

"Where abouts has your mum and dad gone in Italy?" Anne asks Louis noticing him sat there quietly

"Venice, they have always wanted to go, a family friend is looking after my sisters and brother" Louis says making it up on the spot but it sounds so believable she smiles at him

"Where abouts do you live? Close by?" Anne asks him

"Erm it's about a 15 minute drive out of Holmes chapel, middle of no where really" Louis says looking at Harry biting his lip 

"Isn't it Blackden where you live?" Harry prompts Louis smiling if he could he'd reach Louis hand and tell his mum the truth but he knows what will happen if he does

"Yeah although we are moving back up north in a few weeks, to be with family as they are all up there" Louis says Harry looks at him confused as Louis went off script.

"That's a shame, where abouts are you moving to?" Anne asks him

"Doncaster, I was raised there until the age of 10 then we moved down here as my mum's partner is from around here" Louis says smiling, he's a natural lier.

"I'm moving with him" Harry jokes smiling

"Yeah right, your too much of a mummy's boy to move away" she says standing up pinching his cheeks "right I'm off" she kisses Harry's cheek "bye Louis" she walks out of the room

"That was a close shave then" Louis whispers shaking his head

"I'm glad she's gone now" Harry says scooting closer to Louis "do you think it's weird that I've never had a connection with anyone like you before? I never feel like anyone's favourite person, I've always felt like a side piece... I'm the one when you go out as a group of three and you come to a narrow path, I'm always the one to walk behind... I feel invisible most of the time but with you I feel as if I don't need to fight to be seen, you see me, you'd let me walk next to you on the path if there were three of us. Do you know what I mean?" Harry sighs getting all that off his chest, it's been weighing him down for so long it felt good just to let it all out

"Your my favourite person Haz, even though it's only been a short amount big time just imagine what it will be like in the future. Anyone who would let you walk behind them are not worth your attention they aren't good enough for you" Louis says wrapping this arm around Harry, Harry leaning back into Louis they lay there for a few minutes before Harry turned his head

"So who's big spoon?" Harry cheekily smiles at Louis making Louis laugh at Harry's randomness

"I'm definitely big spoon" Louis says putting both arms around Harry's neck kissing his forehead

"I don't mind being the little spoon if I get your arms wrapped around me" Harry lifts his head back to look at Louis smiling Louis crooks his head down and kisses Harry's lips "spider man kiss that"

Louis laughs "your such a dork, you know that" Louis kisses him again

"I'm your dork though" Harry smiles biting his lip, he can't believe how much him and Louis have grown together, how their friendship has blossomed. He didn't want it to end but it soon had to come to an end.

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