I surrender

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The next morning Louis wakes up to find Harry sprawled across his body fast asleep he checks the time on his phone, it's 8:20am. Maybe he should go back to sleep he thought to himself. He turns his head and kisses Harry's shoulder blade his skin is so soft he pondered. This made Harry move Louis closed his eyes and went back to sleep.

Harry wakes up after feeling something on his back he looks up to find that he's practically on top of Louis he quickly but carefully scoots himself off him because he's still asleep. Harry looks at his phone it's 8:23am his mum and Gemma would have left for work by now so it will just be him and Lou. He wants to wake Louis up but doesn't want to, it's the first time he's shared a bed with him, he doesn't know if he's a morning person or not. Instead Harry lyes there in silence until his 8:30am alarm goes off, he forgot to turn it off from school.

He tries to quickly to turn it off before it wakes Louis but he was  unsuccessful as Louis sits up and looks around "what was that?" Louis asks Harry rubbing his eyes

"My school alarm, sorry forgot to turn it off" Harry pouts looking sorry for himself

"It's okay babe, I was awake like 10 minutes ago anyway... Think I woke you up" Louis admits

"You did something to my back?" Harry questions him "what did you do?"

Louis goes a crimson red before answering "kissed your shoulder blade, sorry" he hides his face under the covers

"Why? You weirdo?" Harry pokes Louis though the covers Louis pokes his head back though looking at Harry

"I was half asleep and wanted to" Louis hides again under the covers Harry decides to go under aswell and climb onto of Louis "what are you doing?"

"I'm half asleep and I want to climb on top of you" Harry laughs

"Fine then, tickle fight" Louis raises his hands and starts tickling Harry's hips Harry falls on to his back feeling helpless as he can't do anything he's a giggling mess, Louis moves his hands for one second which is when Harry is able to take the upper hand he tickles Louis around his neck causing Louis to laugh and to try and screw his neck up Harry can't help but to laugh himself until Louis is able to reach his hands up to tickle Harry's neck making Harry to try and flip them both over again but he couldn't he's not strong enough.

"Okay, I-i sur-render" Harry says lifting his hands up above his head

"You what?" Louis teases him making Harry repeat himself

"I surrender" Harry blurts out Louis smiles stopping tickling Harry he strokes Harry's face smiling pecking his check, Harry feels a little disappointed as he thought he was going to kiss him. Louis rolls over and smiles looking at Harry, Harry wraps his body around Louis placing his head on his chest

They both take a moment to catch their breaths before Louis says "what do you want to do today?"

"Go out for lunch?" Harry suggests

"You asking me on a date?" Louis smiles stroking Harry's hair Harry raises his head to look at Louis

"What if I was?" Harry smiles looking at Louis butterflies in his stomach

"I'd gladly accept your invitation" Louis smiles a big toothy grin "obviously I'll pay the bill too, where do you fancy going?"

"There's a nice restaurant down the road?" Harry smiles

"A restaurant, so I've got to look half decent then" Louis jokes

"You'd look for no matter what you wear" Harry says but as soon as he says it he goes bright red covering his mouth with his hand

"Even if I were in my birthday suit" Louis laughs "sorry I'm not making this any easier for you am I'm?"

"Come on we better get up" Harry says pulling Louis up but Louis pulls Harry back down

"No, I want to stay here with you for a little longer... Please" Louis gives Harry puppy dog eyes which guilt trips Harry to saying okay, Harry didn't mind though. Harry lyes on his stomach hands on his cheeks

"So, what's your usual type?" Harry asks Louis being a little more serious

"Don't have one, personality more than anything" Louis smiles "you?"

"Well... It's a little confusing for me at the moment... But to be honest with you I probably haven't fancied anyone because because I've been looking in the wrong places, been looking at girls which I don't find any attractive in the slightest at school then the guys I haven't really looked at any of them in that way because I thought I had to like girls" Harry opened up to Louis he felt a huge weight lift off his shoulders a small tear ran down Harry face Louis pulled him in for a hug

"Don't cry, I'm sure you'll figure it out. It will all click into place once you've met the right person" Louis tries to calm him down

"I think I have met him" Harry says he pulls away a little their eyes lock "is it to early to kiss you?" Harry asks him

"If it feels right do it" Louis says his eyes never leaving Harry's his hands are steady, he feels calm.

Harry nods leaning in to kiss him, he lets Louis take the lead as this is Harry's first proper kiss, not one with a girl from primary school or one from his mum or sister. From someone Harry cares about someone Harry might love. Their kiss is soft and gentle Louis moves his hands up to Harry jaw line kissing a little more deeper before he pulls away smiling "was that okay?" Louis asks Harry

"That was amazing Lou" Harry smiles

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