Video Chat

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Louis clicks onto the video chat icon, his heart pounding in his chest, what if Harry doesn't like him. What if he messes up. What if he makes a fool of himself.

"Hello? Louis?" A voice speaks breaking Louis from his thought. Louis' head snaps up in shock, he stares at his phone and a smile forms on his lips

"Hey" Louis looks at the curly haired boy on his phone, he can't believe how beautiful he was.

"Soo.." Harry bites his lip looking at Louis unsure of what to say. Harry was also shocked at how Louis looked although he didn't show it in his face. He was nervous, which he has never really felt before around someone.

"Is that your sister in the picture?" Louis asks trying to think of something to say

"Yeah, that's Gemma" Harry smiles brightly "she's 21, so 2 years older then you"

"Yeah. Erm Haz do you like The Script?" Louis asks him smiling

"Yeah? Why?" Harry questions

"Well I brought some tickets a few months ago and the person I was going with has bailed on me now so I was wondering..."

"Of corse I would!" Harry squeals in response

"Wow... I was going to ask if your sister would come with me" Louis says seriously

"Oh..." Harry looks down to his bed

"I was only joking Haz, the concert is in two months and three days" Louis beamed

"Oh my god! Lou, are you serious!" Harry lies back on his bed smiling holding his phone in his hand

"I'm seriously babe" Louis smiles but then frowns as he then realises that he had just called Harry babe

"Did you just?" Harry questions biting his lip

"Yeah I'm sorry, I got a little carried away" Louis explains

"What are you talking about?"

"Oh erm, nothing" Louis blushes

Harry knew that Louis was hiding something he just didn't know what

"Your blushing" Harry points out "like proper blushing. Tell me what's up Lou"

"It's nothing" Louis tries to avoid the question "do you actually have a cat?"

"Yes I do. But what's up? You've gone all I don't know weird on me, like everyone else" Harry snaps a little, all that he's used to is people making fun of him, or avoiding him, he feels like Louis' doing the same.

"You really want to know?" Louis asks and Harry nods his head "ireallylikeyou" Louis says really fast hoping that Harry didn't hear anything

"You what?" Harry questions him nut hearing a single word of what Louis had said

"I really like you Haz. I know it's a waste of time me saying that, because your not gay, so I don't really see you wanting to be your friend. When you sent the picture to me I was speachless, you are just perfect Haz, there's no other word I could use to describe you, I better go now, bye" before Harry could say anything Louis had gone.

Harry's stomach felt all fluttery like he had butterflies. He's never felt like this before. Never. He's unsure if he likes Louis romantically or just likes him in a friendly way. But one thing was for sure was that he wasn't going to let Louis slip away.

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