Chapter 57

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We awake to the sound of Karen knocking on the door "Morning guys, breakfast on the table when you're ready." I turn and stretch my body away from Josh. "This bed is so much bigger compared to the single we have shared in your dorm room." "Yeah, but its keeps me in close proximity to you" he responds.

We walk across the bathroom and without thinking and jump in the shower together. My multiple red marks are still very visible but they've grown a smidge lighter in the last 24 hours. We both put on tee shirts and jeans, but I add a high neck jacket to cover the marks on my neck. I throw my hair in a fresh new messy bun and lace up my black converse.

We reach the bottom of stairs and hear loud chatter coming from the kitchen. Matt and Lacey are enjoying what seems like a pleasant conversation with Patrick and Karen. Patrick notices us enter "Alright kids, you're free to roam about today but meet us back at the house at 8 so we can boat over to our usual spot. The fireworks start at 9pm."

Lacey winks at me and signals us over "Morning you two. Breakfast?"

Josh politely places hash browns, eggs, and bacon our plates. The food tasted delicious and it is hard not to lick my plate clean and ask for thirds. "So what's the plan Lacey?" I ask. "Well, we could go into town and walk around, check on the scene? I could show you guys my hometown?" "Sounds good." Josh says.

Instead of getting into Matt's truck, Patrick insists that we take the jeep wrangler parked outside. Lacey and I jump into front as the boys get in the back. The air is cool and the sky is cloudy for a 4th of July, but Lacey reassures me it won't stop them from shooting off the fireworks. We drive into town and I feel like I'm in an old movie. All the buildings are vintage, lined with brick, and the windows have fancy handwriting. I see rows of small boutiques, café's, small groceries stores, and plenty of antique stores.

We come to a halt in front of a pool hall. "This place is really trendy. They've got old school arcade games, pool tables, a bar, and more" Lacey squeaks. We unbuckle and head to the door. Lacey enters the pool hall with the three of us closely behind. The music is blasting 80s rock and lines of arcade games that I remember as a kid are against the wall. A few pool tables are in the far corner while the bar is in the center. "What shall it be kids?" Matt asks.

Josh heads to the bar and not pushing is luck, asks for a few bottles of sodas. Lacey and I rack up the balls, while Matt picks up a few sticks. Matt breaks and we decide on playing couple vs couple first. Luckily the girls aren't the greatest at playing so the teams were pretty much even. After a round or two Lacey and I pull out and hit the arcades. She pressed the quarters in the small slots of Pacman while I tried to conquer the world of Donkey Kong. We felt like kids in this moment ignoring our better judgement and pretended no future decisions lay ahead.

Lacey nudges me when notice her cell phone reads 1pm. "I'm starving. The bar serves decent sandwiches" she says. I dropped my hands from the game and walk over to the bar stools. The boys were still heavy in their game and I could see them talking smack to each other. So we let them be and order a few grilled cheese sandwiches and cheese fries.

We chow down our food and slurp our sodas. Lacey asked how Josh and I were doing. She said she didn't mean to pry but she heard about what happened at his birthday where Landon called out Josh sleeping with something else and how she was glad to hear how Landon got the shit beat out of him. She described how she and Matt were so happy that we came and how her parents told her this morning how they've enjoyed our company so far. It was so refreshing to hear someone say how happy we looked and how they were happy for us. Though I didn't need the reassurance anymore it was still nice to hear.

As Lacey begins to tell me that Matt and her are really considering moving in together next semester but were interrupted. Josh and Matt come slamming over into us laughing about their last game. "Pretty intense game?" I ask. "No, just Matt can't shoot for shit!" Josh laughs. "It was one time" Matt yells. "What happened?" Lacey asks. Josh couldn't contain his laughter "When Matt tried to hit... the ball... he's stick completely scraped against the table and caused the ball to fly into the corner which bounced back and hit him in the chest."

"Obviously it was funnier in the moment" Lacey said. "Did you guys already eat" Matt asks. "Yes" I replied looking down at our plates. Josh and Matt ordered the same while Lacey and I tried to figure out how to play pool on our own. It did not go so well.

We left shortly after and walked around the town. Matt and Lacey entered a trendy antique store while Josh and I spotted a park. We saw open swings and sat down. Our bodies were facing each other and he grabbed the chain length of my swing to pull me close. I giggled to myself thinking of the memory of me and him in swings the first time...Who would have thought we'd end up here?

"Kiss for your thoughts" he asks. I graze my lips against his and keep it PG considering moms and little kids are playing nearby. "I was just thinking about how we first swung like this and how we talked to each other for the first time." "Memory lane, got you tearing up, I see?" he says. "Stop it... you'll ruin it" I respond hitting him. He leans in and grazes my lips, but this time I lick his lips to leave him wanting more. "Okay, were done!" he proclaims. He stands up and pulls me up with him. "What?" I say. "You're teasing me and these innocent bystanders are not going to be the victims of us fucking on the grass!" I can't even withhold the laughter that escapes from my mouth as he spills those words. He glares at me and I immediately know he's part kidding and part serious.

We catch up with Lacey and Matt who are window shopping some more. The walking around begins to become boring and repetitive. Matt feels the same way which is why I was thrilled when he spoke up "Alright, babe. We saw your town. Now, let's go back or go to that old movie theater you mentioned to me."

"I'm game" I yelled. We walked over to the old, run down Movie Theater. It looked like something from the 50's which is why I wasn't surprised when they were playing old movies. Lacey nagged Matt to go see the Music Man and sure enough she got her way as she pulled him into the theater. I grew up watching the musical but Josh was not so fond about it. We decided to go see the original Mummy from 1932 instead. We turned into the small theater and took our seats in the middle. There was probably a hand full of people around us that looked to be retired.

I don't think we enjoyed the movie as much considering Josh kept sliding his hand up and down my thigh and kissing my neck. I was begging for relief when the credits rolled and Josh pulled away so calmly. He snickered at me while I tried to regain composure. Though I didn't climax I was panting for him.

We rejoined Matt and Lacey in the entrance and headed to a diner that served old fashion sodas and shakes. After long conversations of books, music, and food the sun began to wind down signaling us to get back to Lacey's place. We climbed in the car but this time by couples.

Karen and Patrick said to meet us at the docks which was a mile or so down from the house. They drove off on their golf cart as they directed us to take the four wheelers. The air was a bit colder now so I squeezed Josh's hand and told him I would be right back. I hear Matt and Lacey take off as I run up the stairs. I grab my beanie and change my thin jacket to a sweater when Josh slams the door behind him. I know where this is leading...

He scoops me up on the bed and starts unbuttoning my pants and slides off my panties. He pulls me to the edge of the bed by my ankles and makes me plant my feet flat. I remove the sweater and tee shirt I just had on and my hair is sprawled against the comforter. He removes his shirt and jeans off revealing his boxers. "Please" I beg. He thrusts two fingers in at once which makes me start to come undone. I arch back from the sudden movement and he's now kneeling over me. "Who owns this pussy?" he questions. I've never heard him talk so dirty but I can't help that it turns me on. " own this pussy" I scream. He fingers continue to work in and out as the other hand cups my breast. "'re so fucking beautiful" he says.

I start to reach my climax when he trusts in another thick finger and he firmly asks "Will you move in with me?" Without thinking I scream "Yes...fucking yes!" I feel the rush of wetness soak his hands. As I come back to reality I think about what the hell just happened? Unsure of what to do I flip him over and begin to suck on his length. I take it down into my throat and his eyes widen. He pace moves quicker in my mouth and I twirl my tongue as he likes. He looks up and grabs a fist full of hair and asks "Will you move in with me?" I nod my head and flutter my eyelashes at him. He comes quickly and I feel it as it runs down in the back of my throat.

I remove him from my mouth and head to the bathroom and clean up. I look into the mirror... What the HELL just happened?!

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