Chapter 12

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He dropped me down and picked up my bag again. This time lacing his fingers through mine, I lock the front door and walk with him to his car where Jess and James are waiting in the back seat. Jess looks at me with excitement. as we both climb in and start the engine. Josh lays his hand on my thigh and I can see in the rear view mirror that Jess and James are snuggled up.

"So it's a two hour drive?" I ask. "Yes give or take" he says. Within about 30 minutes Jess and James are passed out in the back lightly snoring. "I guess they're not much for being our road trip buddies" I say. Josh tightens his grip on my thigh.

I stare at the windows and admire the landscape of trees and creeks. "I thought Wyoming would be dead and dull" I stutter. "You would think that, but where I live its green, luscious, and bright." We start making light conversation over the low music of Switchfoot playing when I notice on the floor of his car that a few flat cap hats sit. I pick one up and place it on my head "These all yours" as I turn to him. "Yes" he replies. I place a red one on my head and check myself out in the mirror, running fingers through my hair.

"Do I look good in them?" I ask as I start to pose for him. His cheeks flush as he admires me "Damn babe, you need to stop. And yes, you look amazing in them." He can't stop starring smiling...I wonder what he's really thinking? I take it off and try to smooth out the hairs that jolted up because of wearing it. "Babe, you don't have to take it off. But it's good you did, so you don't distract me as I'm driving" he says. Not even my previous boyfriend called me babe, but coming off his lips it sounds so perfect. We go back to talking about random things and the more I get to know about him, the more I want to be like him. Full of passion, fun, and adventure.

We pull up to a decent size house, built like a cabin, with a large front and open yard. There's literally no houses around for miles and all I see is land, except for the two barns that are behind the house and a few small sheds or workshops of some sort nearby. Jess and James eyes shoot open when Josh slams his door behind him. "Are we here?" Jess asks. "Yes, we're here" I reply and steadily help the two of our sleeping kids in the backseat climb out. Josh opens the front door and I'm surprised to see an older woman walking in our direction. He hugs Josh immediately and extends her hand towards the three of us. "Hi, I'm Josh's mom Diana." She grazes over Jess and I "Josh never brings such pretty girls home so welcome to our home" she says. Never? So was Lance lying?

We all shake her hands and feel the warmth of her smile. She stops at me and says "You must be Jenn, Josh has told me so much about you." I'm taken back at her statement and quietly reply "Yes, I am. Thank you for having us." Diana is incredibly kind and it's surprising to me how nice she is to three perfect strangers.

"So Josh says that you guys are going camping. You guys will have so much fun" The three of us turn to Josh with absolute fear, especially me. I'm going to be camping with Josh...his he serious? I don't want to be gross and around him at the same time. This is not happening?! "No mom, were not a 100% sure yet. We'll probably sleep at Kim's" he says. The three of us seems to relax instantly after his remark.

Josh turns around and looks at my expression, deemed to change it he blurts "how about we take a ride on our four-wheelers and motorbikes." My ears perk up and I think how I have ridden four-wheelers before but never bikes similarly to the ones used in the sport of motocross. We follow Josh outside to a large red bar. He slides the door open and it is full of heavy farming equipment. He walks over to a large four-wheeler and starts its engine. He backs it up and signals Jess and James to hop on. Then he walks back into the barn, hops on a bike, starts the engine, and pulls out. I can't help but stare at how sexy he is on this bike. I start smiling and feel the sudden heat rush to my cheeks he turns and says "Now don't get any ideas now." I climb on the back of the bike and we all take off rapidly.

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