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i'm looking for someone to do a collab with on a story. if you're interested, hmu (dm's, please) and i can give you the details. 

Evan walked into the bar, feeling the rush of wind hit up against his shoulders and create a line of hairs on his neck to stand up. He closed the door carefully behind him and handed security his ID. After scanning it, the bulky man gave it back to Evan and let him into the nearly empty bar.

Evan sat at the end seat, his head in his hands as he cowered down and questioned everything. His day hadn't been great.

The bartender came over a towel in his hands. He placed it down on the counter and wiped the surface in front of Evan, asking him, "What type of drink would you like, Sir?"

Evan glared at him, mad for no reason, "The strongest drink you have."

The bartender's skillful hands placed down the towel as he began making the drink in front of Evan. Evan finished, contemplating his day.

His boyfriend broke up with him in the morning, over text.

Evan was fired from his job for missing work too much for no reason.

His sister announced she was leaving New York City.

On his way home from the place where he had recently been fired, Evan found himself being robbed by two men and a young woman, who stole all his cash.

Evan discovered he didn't have enough to pay rent.

He also discovered a leak in his ceiling.

Evan sighed, placing his head in his hands once more. Everything, at that moment, was hurting him. Everything burned, every move he made took him one step closer to his happy death. Evan sighed loudly.

His shot glass slid across the bar and in front of Evan, just close enough so he could see.

Evan drowned the shot glass drink in five seconds, requesting another. And another, right after again. And another. And another. And another.

Soon, Evan's stomach was filled to the brim with the strongest drink ever and Evan was a tipsy mess. He stumbled off the barstool he had been sitting at, knocking it over in the process. 

His hands reached for a table and he walked around blindly before crashing into a hard wall, his nose begins to bleed.

Evan whimpered lightly, falling to the floor. His eyes squinted as he looked up and around, at the few people who attended the bar late that Monday night. 

The bartender who had served him his drink from earlier came over quickly, holding his hand out for Evan. Evan took it gratefully and grabbed the bartender's shoulders, trying to keep himself steady.

His eyes stayed on his old shoes that were almost broken as the bartender lead Evan to the bathroom, murmuring stuff, "I should've stopped you at six drinks... You're such a cute drunk, though."

Somehow, they ended up in the empty bathroom and Evan leaned against the wall, not feeling good.

"I'm... I'm going to throw up." He suddenly whispered hoarsely, the effects of getting drunk suddenly wearing on him. Although his fun had barely lasted, it was already done. Evan sighed, crawling to a toilet and throwing up the contents of his day.

His nose continued bleeding into the toilet and Evan flushed down the blood and puke, crawling back to the bartender.

"What's your name?" The bartender asked, holding up a stiff towel to Evan's nose, dabbing at the blood on his face.

"Ev... Evan..." Evan whispered, "And your's?"

"Connor." The bartender stood up when Evan's nose had stopped bleeding, helping Evan up as well, "Do you mind me taking you back home?"

Evan thought for a moment, "I guess not."

Connor smiled, limping out of the restroom with Evan on his back. He forced Evan into the passenger seat of his car and Evan led the man to his apartment.

"Thanks..." Evan whispered.

"Of course." Connor answered and left a chaste kiss on his forehead, closing the door.

They never spoke again.



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