Dresses [TREEBROS]

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"I just don't know what to wear." Evan says truthfully to me, playing with a thread hanging from his jeans. We're lying in my bed and "getting ready" for a party Zoe is holding at my place. Downstairs, Zoe gets ready for all the teenagers to come over.

Mom and Dad are out on a business trip so there's no one to tell her not to put beer out. I know Evan doesn't like this kind of thing, but he forced me to get Zoe to invite him. Now he has himself all bundled up with fear as he thinks about his outfit for the party I said he shouldn't go to.

"Evan, you don't have to go." I say to Evan, sliding my hands around his waist. He gives into our cuddling, turning around and burying his face in my chest.

"But I want to make you happy." Evan mumbles to me.

I shake my head, chuckling softly. I looks up, looking hurt, so I stop.

"Baby, I'll be proud of you either way." I say, holding his waist tighter.

Evan can't let me down though. He shakes his head a determined but adorable look on his face as he begins to speak again, "I don't care. You will take me to the party and I will wear a nice, presentable-"

"Evan, this is a high school party not a family gathering or wedding." I interject.

He shushes me, "I will wear a nice, presentable outfit and not be uncomfortable in my clothes." Oh. That's why. Evan wanted to express the feminine side of him. He's been wanting to do that a lot more lately, and I'm proud of him.

"I'm proud of you."

"I'm proud of me, too."

Evan smiles proudly as I sit up and pull him along with me. Getting off the bed, he follows me down the hallway and to Zoe's room. She's in there, doing her make-up. When she sees us, she stops and asks me something.

"Hey. Why're you here?"

I nod at Evan. He knows why we're in Zoe's room.

"Oh," He mutters, "I was wond-wondering if I could borrow one of your dresses. For the... p-party." I can tell he's never told anyone those words but the stutter in his voice and nervousness as he looks around, pretending to just notice Zoe's room had a wall and ceiling.

Zoe nods understandingly. Evan lets out a deep sigh.

"Of course! You can look through the closet right now. Please change in Connor's room, I don't need to see all your... fluffiness with each other going down in my room."

I shake my head at her, watching Evan run to the closet and pick out a dress.

He picks one out surprisingly fast, but I'm not surprised when I see it. On it are his two favorite colors; blue and white. It's a blue and white stripped dress, if you still don't understand what I'm saying.

Evan giggles, meeting my eyes, and thanking Zoe.

"Thanks." I thank her as well, following Evan down the hall to my room.


In my room, Evan takes off all his clothes as soon as we get there. I look away because of his extreme blushing and I know sometimes he can get really self conscious around me and cry when I stare too much.

I hear him take off his shirt and jeans, replacing it with the dress. I hear him play with the dress before speaking again.

"You can turn around."

I turn around slowly, but I don't know why. I want this time to go by faster.

I'm met with a beautiful Evan. His legs are being shown off in the dress, but I don't mind. He looks beautiful in whatever he wants to wear.

Evan looks down, whimpering as I stare.

I realize my mistake fast, going over and wrapping my arms around him. He accepts, wrapping his own arms around my upper torso and clinging to me.

"You look beautiful." I whisper into my ear. He shivers.

I know then and there, that this night was not a mistake. This night will be perfect.


i'm sorry i haven't updated this in a while, got caught up with the jamilton one shots and now i have a neko book <3 also, i know i'm taking a break right now but i can't help myself, okay?

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