Blind Date [KLIENSEN]

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alana; wanna go out with zoe, connor, and i tonight to the club?

jared; busy

alana; did you finally ditch the single squad 

jared; if my blind date goes well

alana; so you ditched the single squad

jared; i guess? see you next february 14

alana; k

I left the messages app, going instead to Grindr. My beautiful angel waited for me there, with a message that said he couldn't wait for tonight. My heart swelled in my chest and a smile crossed my face as I read that message.

Just as I finished sending my next message, which told the boy I was excited as well, a knock came on my door.

I got up grudgingly and looked through the peephole. Outside stood Alana. It wasn't very surprising to see her since I had just told her I was going on a date and she lived only a floor below me.

I opened the door just as she was about to knock again.

"Show me your date." She demanded.

"You really don't believe I got myself a date?" I laugh, handing her my phone with the boy's profile pulled up.

"Oh, he's sweet-looking," Alana decided after a while, "It would be nice if straight boys looked like this instead of having that tattoo thing."

"Don't you prefer girls over guys?"

"Yeah, but it's nice to suck dick sometimes." She shrugged, pushing her way into my apartment like it was hers, "Zoe got a date offer this morning, but she said no and to wait until next week."

"Oh, that's nice."

"You didn't decline this 'Evan' boy." Alana muttered, taking a banana after my countertop.

"I feel like he'll be off the market by next week," I shrug, taking an apple, "I have to leave in about an hour. Apparently, the angel doesn't like going out at night. I'll ask him about that when we get closer."

Alana bit into her banana, "You seem so confident that he'll like you."

"Everyone likes me."

"That's annoyingly true."

"I know."



I felt my hands start to sweat as soon as they touched the soft suit fabric that I hadn't felt since my last Grindr date, five years ago. It had been a while, but I hadn't missed dating anyone until Valentines Day this year.

When the reality of how many of my relatives and friends had significant others this February, I wanted one too.

Jared seemed like a nice choice, even if he was just the same age and I normally tried to snag the older, rich men.

Maybe a sugar daddy would treat me nice.

I could live with sucking dick for money.

My phone dinged with a notification of Jared telling me he was also excited for our date tonight and my hands grew even sweatier, but it made me happy at the exact same time. Every time Jared sent me a new message, my hands found a way to become wetter.

I hated it, but I bet if I spent enough time with Jared and got close to him, I wouldn't be so nervous.

I dismissed that thinking right away because there was no chance that this date would ever earn me a boyfriend. This 'Jared' probably had other things to do this Valentines Day judging by his handsome looks.

My entire body shivered, thinking of his medium-sized hand forcing my head down on his large dick. I blushed at the thought, but I couldn't deny the swelling of my dick when I thought about it.

After having thoughts like that, I got dressed quickly and left my apartment.



I didn't want to take a cab to my date, even if it was in the middle of the city, far from my building, and would take a long time to get to. I wanted to seem like I had money and didn't use a cab, so I walked all the way to the fancy diner.

By the time I arrived, I was already five minutes late.

Rushing inside, I told a waiter my delimna and they let me search the restraunt for my sweet boy.

After searching nearly all the places he could be, I almost came up with the conclusion that he was late as well. That, however, was before I turned a corner and saw him. He was sitting at a table, looking at the menu with his phone in his lap.

It was turned on and our chat on Grindr had been pulled up.

I slowly walked over to his table and caught his attention before I meant to. Evan turned a pretty shade of red and said nothing, waiting for me to sit down. I did as he wanted and Evan muttered a small, "Happy Valentines Day."

I noticed a bouquet of roses beside him and he lifted them up, handing them to me.

"Oh," I said, a bit surprised, "Thank you."

"Of course..." Evan trailed off, looking down.

I liked him already.



I gave him the flowers, which he seemed both surprised and happy about. I was very shy the entire time, which is something that I have mainly been able to eliminate unless I'm very nervous, which I guess was the case.

Our dinner itself went alright.

Jared ordered for me, which was nice because I hated ordering for myself. 

We made small talk, but it turned into a full-on conversation about food when the waiter came and put down our plates. It was really sweet and all, I really liked this Jared guy. He wasn't like the guys I had one-night stands with at the club.

In the end, when the night was ending, he took me and gave me his actual phone number.

That melted me, that made me absoleutely sure he was different.

As I took a cab back to my house, everything seemed... better.

I had a date on Valentines Day.


w o w

k because i'm assuming no one wants to read lesbian smut (which is what i want to write for the next chapter) someone tell me what i should write.

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