Lost and Found [TREEBROS]

630 22 0

i- woah hi there i'm still alive

Evan sat on the curb in front of the school, waiting for the doors to be flung open for him to wait even longer sitting on one of the broken, disgusting, dirty lunch benches the district provided for each of their high schools. The time was currently 7:28 AM and the school would open at 7:30 AM before beginning at 7:55 AM. Evan sighed, burying his face into his legs again.

The only thing he could really do was go inside the office and instead wait there, which was what a plethora of students had decided to do, but Evan did not see the point in standing around with other people in complete silence and complete awkwardness.

He thought about his other options as it turned to be 7:30 AM and the gates to the school flung open behind Evan. The students waiting in the office evacuated the building like it suddenly caught fire and spread out into the school. Evan stood on wobbly legs and made his way to the office, knowing where he was going instead of the gates.

He pulled open the door and walked into. The secretary nearest to the door asked him, "Do you need something?"

"Um..." Evan's hands twitched nervously, "I lost my, uh..."

Right at this moment, Jared came barging through the door and yanked Evan's arm, "He lost his sweatshirt. Where's the lost-and-found?"

"Oh," The secretary nodded slowly, "Down that hallway in the last door to the right." She pointed to an empty hallway with few doors and no noise. Jared nodded and marched down the hallway, still basically holding Evan's hands. He pulled open the door to the room and smiled.

"I know it's kind of like... kinda mean for me to think this, but this is the ultimate place to steal Supreme and Gucci sweatshirts." Jared said proudly, staring at the pile of clothes in the room.

"I lost my lunch bag," Evan replied, softly but still harsh, "Not my sweatshirt."

"You never wear sweatshirts, I don't even think you own any." Jared answered, already on his knees and looking through the large pile of clothes and lunch bags in front of them.

"I don't own any sweatshirts, I guess..." Evan murmured and kneeled beside Jared, going through the pile for his own lunch box.


A few minutes of silence partnered with the rustling of clothes, Jared pulled out a Supreme sweatshirt from the pile of clothes. It had been at the very bottom, concealed by an old snow jacket. Jared held it up for Evan to see and smiled proudly, "This would look great on you."

"I'm not stealing." Evan responded quickly, standing up. He had already gone through the entire pile and couldn't find his lunch box, so he gave up.

"No one will notice," Jared patted Evan's shoulder, "Besides, if you want to impress Zoe Murphy, you should own at least one sweatshirt. All her boyfriend does is wear sweatshirts, have you not seen him?"

Evan shook his head, mostly because he hadn't seen the guy Zoe was apparently dating. However, Jared's tactic worked in a way, "Fine," Evan picked up a grey sweatshirt from the pile that had a zipper straight down the middle, "I'll take this own, not the Supreme one."

Jared looked at the Supreme one for a long time, then back at Evan who raised his eyebrows, "Okay," Jared nodded slowly, mimicking the secretary, "I'll take this one." He took the hoodie and placed it over his head.

The two boys walked out of the lost and found completely quiet, ignoring the question they got from the nodding secretary wondering if they found what they were looking for.


Evan stood outside the office in the rain, the only thing protecting him was the old zipped grey sweatshirt had on that fell past his waist. Students crowded in the office and very few stood outside. Evan hugged his sweatshirt, wishing he had remembered to bring an umbrella.

He thought back to the night after he got home and told his mom Jared had gotten him a new jacket when they went shopping. His mom didn't notice that the sweatshirt was old with stains on it, instead she just nodded and comtinued doing hospital paperwork she was required to do.

Evan tugged on the sweatshirt and thought about who it had belonged to before. He would feel bad if the kid was poor and this was his only sweatshirt. He would feel worse if it was one of his bullies.

"Hey!" Connor snapped his head up when a voice came from right in front of him. A boy, almost shivering in the rain, towered over Evan. He had angel hair that fell to his shoulders and a tense face with no trace of a smile, "That's my sweatshirt." He pointed to the grey sweatshirt Evan wore.

Evan nearly stopped breathing, he was terrified. Connor Murphy? Of all people.

"Um..." Evan began, but he was interrupted by the tall boy.

"I'm cold."

That seemed to make Evan move, as he forced the sweatshirt off of himself and handed it to Connor fast. Connor took the sweatshirt from Evan as the boy muttered, "Sorry, I... Jared made me steal it from the lost and found!" He exclaimed suddenly, surprising Connor.

"It's okay," Connor smiled, rustling Evan's hair. At this moment, the gates to the school opened and the rest of the students standing in front of the school rushed inside, shaking their umbrellas out before walking into the hallways. Connor looked at the boy in front of him, "If you want, you can keep it. I can stand to be cold."

"Um," Evan's answer came right away, "Are you sure about that?"

"Of course," Connor smiled, handing the sweatshirt back to Evan, "My phone number is on the tag. Contact me when you need anything."

Evan's mouth fell open and Connor smiled again, walking away.



happy valentines day, a day late. my second trimester is over and i have perfect grades and i'm kind of happy right now, so i'll try to update again.

Dear Evan Hansen Oneshots // DEHDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora