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so i looked it up like the educated fan i am and the ship name for connor x jared x evan is sincerely, us. have fun!


Jared and I are walking hand in hand down the street. We're about to go on our first date, even though we have gone to tons of places together. We're roommates. We've been dating for a while. I still get nervous around him though, it's hard for me not to.

"H-Hey, Jar-Jared?" I ask, stumbling along my words.

"Yes, Evan?" He asks. Back when we were first roommates, he used to make fun of my stutter and nervous movements. Now he's nicer and accepts me, although I think he accepted me the first time we met, but was too scared to show it. Anyway, it doesn't matter much anymore.

"Re-Remind me, where are we go-" I'm stumbling again to finish the sentence and he cuts me off with a giggle, squeezing my small hand.

I nod and we continue to walk.

I have something really important to tell Jared and I'm dreading it right now. I'm so nervous and my palms are super sweaty, which god I hope he doesn't notice.

"Baby, we're here." I hear his soft voice, the one he only uses around me and look up.

Sure enough, standing in front of us is a large steak restaurant. It's a brick building and the line is out the door. Luckily, Jared pulls me in, saying we have a reservation.

Sure enough, we do.


Jared orders for us, being the sweet gentleman he is. It flusters me and I feel like a child with my mother order for me, but it's sweet.

"So, what's wrong?" Jared finally asks around halfway through our dinner. I have chicken strips from the kid's menu, because they're delicious. Jared got a salad. I shove another piece of chicken into my mouth, pretending not to hear him.

"Evan?" He takes my hands, holding them close and safety. I can't help it, I need to tell him. Keeping things from his adorable, funny, nerdy, geeky face is so hard.

"Um, Jared?" I mumble.

"Yes?" He asks.

I take a deep breathe, keeping the stutter far from my voice. I speak loudly and confidently.

"I'm poly."

Jared took a deep breath, looking away and then looking back at Evan.

"Me too." He mumbled. I tried to act surprised, although in reality I could always tell. Although Jared was always showing his full love for me, Jared always seemed to be off. And one day, when I went through Jared's journal, I got to learn exactly why (without Jared's consent, of course).

"I brought someone for you to meet." I mumble.

As if on cue, Connor comes up and slips into the booth with me. He takes my waist and I scoot closer to him, somehow scared of Jared now. But when I look up, I see Connor and Jared staring at each other with such loving eyes I realize... this is going to work out.


"Remember how we met?" Connor asks, giggling. I'm in his lap and Jared is peppering light kisses on Connor's neck. In front of us is a TV blaring some stupid old TV show that my grandma probably rewatched like five times before her death.

"Shh." Jared mumbles. His face is red, remembering how on our first date he spilled his water all over me. I cried and they both had to comfort me. At the end of that, they shared their first kiss.

I whine, climbing out of Connor's lap and lay down.

"Are you tired?" Jared asks softly, caressing my cheek as he continues with his peppering of kisses on Connor.

"Yeah." I answer, pulling the blankets over me. Jared understands immediately, getting into the bed with me. Connor takes a little bit to take off his hoodie and bag, but soon he's lying in bed with us.

"I love you." I say to both of them. I'm curled in the middle.

"I love you." Connor says, first looking at me then to Jared.

"I lo-"

Jared's sentence is cut off by heavy breathing.

"He already fell asleep..." Connor laughs a bit, kissing me and Jared's forehead.

We fall asleep.

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