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He tapped on my desk with the ruler, "Wake up Valerie",I rolled my eyes as I sat up in my seat and mumbled, "how irritating."

He turned around on his heel, "What was that?" I looked at him, "nothing don't worry about it", he sighed and continued teaching.

I kept checking the time every few seconds wanting to leave this class. "Valerie, set the phone on my desk" My eyes widened, "oh hell no", the class then began to snicker.

He looked at me, "fine stay after class you have detention today with me after school" I groaned and sunk into my seat, dreading every moment of the class.

My best friend, Grace tapped my shoulder from behind me and I turned around, "ughhh whattttttt" I whined "have fun in detention", she chuckled and I frowned and turned around to see Mr. Bálor I'm front of me.

"Should I make it two detentions?" My other best friend from the back, Seth, yelled out, "You bet she does! Mr,Bálor" he said slyly and I started blushing.

"Two detentions Ms.Matthew", he said sternly and turned away. "You've got to be fucking kidding me", the bell rang and I groaned. Seth and Grace waved to me and left.

"Start cleaning up the room I'll be right back" Mr.Bálor leaves and I huff as I start picking up the things off the floor. I felt eyes on me and turned around.

Mr.bálor quickly looked down at his papers and started grading. "Anything else?" I turn to him and he fixes his shirt, "just sit down and do homework", I nodded and sat down.

An hour passed of my detention and I was staring at the chalk bored. "You okay,darling?" I snapped out of my trance and looked at him and blushed, "y-yeah."

He nodded as I turned away and looked down at the floor,"Okay are you sure are you okay? You seem very stressed", "yeah I'm okay."

He walks over to me slowly and sat on the desk next to me and my eyes trailed his body and I blushed softly.

He bit his lip and looked at me, I tried scratching the middle of my back but couldn't reach it, "Need help?" He stood up and walked behind me.

I nodded, "Y-yeah" he starts moving his hands along my back and I shut my eyes. He unclipped my bra, " oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to do that."

I pressed my lips together, "I-it's okay don't worry." I bit my lip and shifted in my seat, " are you good now?" He told me and I could hear the smirk in his voice.

My eyes are still shut and I didn't respond, "so more babygirl?", he smirked and I nodded slowly. He started rubbing my neck and placed his lips on my neck sucking on it slowly.

I moaned softly and felt his smirk against my neck as the timer on his phone went off. "Times up, see you at detention tomorrow Valerie."

I shot up out of my seat," c-can you clip my bra please?" He nods and walks over and out his hands under my shirt and clipped it and let his fingertips trail my body and walked out of the class.

~The next day~

I woke up and went to the bathroom to shower. I looked into the mirror to see a purplish brownish mark, "Oh no", I sighed as I touched the mark and groaned.

I got ready, in my normal flannel and leggings and black boots and grabbed my things and went to pick up Seth. I pulled up to Seth's house and honked the horn a few times, "Hurry up loser!" I sighed when he didn't come out and looked at the passenger window and jumped.

Seth laughed as he got into the car and I huffed, "You dick!" he smiles, "well, I do have one don't I?" He laughed but quickly stopped when he saw the hickey on my neck. "OOO who'd you screw?" My eyes widened, "Nobody!"

He kept asking questions as I drove to pick up Grace, "Do we know him?" "Are we friends?" " Is he in our class?!" "Answer me woman!"

I sighed "Don't worry about it" Seth rolled his eyes, "Whateverrrr". I scoff and pull up to Grace's house and honk the horn a few times and she runs into the car, "Seth texted me!" she giggles "Where'd you get that hickey?" I sighed and ignored them, "We're going to be late shut up".

I pulled up to the school and parked in my normal spot and walked into the school, "You know we're late right?" Grace rolled her eyes, "Well, you probably took forever, Seth, just knowing you."

As the two were fighting I was looking at the ground, watching my feet as I walked, Seth and Grace called my name out, but when I looked up someone bumped into me and fell onto of me,dumping the cold liquid all over me.

Mr.Bálor jumped up, "I am so sorry, Valerie" He said while offering his hand to me and I garb it. "I-it's okay, really" I smiled softly and he looked at me up and down and my cheeks heat up.

Grace coughs, "Let's go get you some dry clothes Val" I shake my head, "No,no it's okay, it'll dry off." Mr.Bálor smirked at me and walked off.

During lunch me,Seth, and Grace sat together as usual. Grace snaps her fingers, "Who's the guy?", "Don't worry about it", I rolled my eyes and bit my lip. "We will figure it out soon don't worry Val," Seth smiles.

The bell rang and we were dismissed from lunch and onto Mr.Bálor's class. I was happy to go to his class. I walk into the class and Mr.Bálor was leaning on his desk looking on his lesson plan.

I sat down in front of Mr.Bálor's desk, my clothes still drenched from the morning when he dropped his water on me by accident, "Good afternoon class", we all mumbled a low "Good-afternoon"

"Open your books to page 245 and start reading to 250 and write notes about it, please" He goes and sits at his desk and started doing his work as I started read but spaced out again.

Someone hit my desk, "Valerie! Wake up".

First story how do you like it? Maybe share it? I don't know, you do you man, the pages will definitely be longer soon.

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