Chapter 1 - Amnesia

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I slowly open my eyes and close them due to the harsh lighting. I groan and apparently alert the other people in the room with me.

A voice yelled, "I saw her move. Pookie!" I open my eyes once more to stare into a pair of green eyes.

He puts his hand on my shoulder and I panic, "Who are you? Where am I? Let me go!"

The man retracted his hand as I continued to have a panic attack. Why was I here? Why was I afraid? My mind felt utterly blank and empty.

Green-eyed boy told the others, "Stay back until we figure out what was going on."

Their conversation continued as I felt myself fade out of consciousness and into the swirl of memories which I don't remember. 

"Slut! Whore! Disgrace! I should have killed you the moment your father brought your whoring ass home!"

The voice was familiar, yet I could not place it. I am yanked our of my thoughts by yelling, "Sang! Sang!"

I frown at the intruders, "Who is Sang?"

Green-eyed man paled considerably and ordered the others, "Everybody out! Family meeting!"

I didn't understand. Who is this Sang they are yelling for? What is a family meeting? Who are these men? I feel so safe with them, yet their identities remain secret to me. 

Not long after the boys left, another man dressed as a doctor came in. How funny that I could remember what a doctor was, but not the name of my mother. I only now notice that I am in a hospital room. Why? What had happened? The doctor man looked at me with such unconcealed sorrow. Did I know him?

The doctor man announced, "Hello, I am Doctor Roberts, but you can call me Phil. How is my patient doing today?"

I raise myself into sitting position, "Confused, very confused."

He sighs, "I expect you are. Well, I don't know that much about you, but your name is Sang Sorenson."

I tilt my head to one side, "Why am I here?"

Phil walks to my side, "I will answer questions later, but right now I need to do a check-up."

I nod, "Okay. What are my injuries?"

As Phil does my examination, he tells me, "Several broken ribs, a couple fractures of various bones, a concussion and severe amnesia. I don't think that you will ever be able to remember your past again or how you came to be here. You have also been in a coma for two weeks ever since you were brought here."

Shocked, I cannot talk as Phil leaves the room. Oh well, I guess my questions can wait a little longer. 

It is really boring in the hospital room. There is nothing to do. No one has come to see me since the nine strangers left the room and Dr. Roberts did his examination. 

That is when I heard it. A piece of conversation coming from right outside my door. I strain my ears to hear. I just want to know who I am and what happened to me. I could tell that the doctor was lying to me. I didn't know how I knew, I just did

One voice I recognized as Dr. Robert's, "It is clear that Sang has no memory of you or her attack by Volto. What do you want to do to protect her?"

Another voice said, "We had a vote and decided that we will become strangers to Sang. If we leave her alone, she will be safe from Volto this way."

Dr. Robert retorted, "Are you sure? If you are, I will have her placed somewhere with no knowledge of the Academy or you. Can you commit to that for life?"

A third voice entered the conversation, "It will only until we catch Volto. We don't want to take the risk to harm to Sang."

I feel bad for this Sang person. They are excluding her from making a decision about her own life. Everyone deserves to make their own choice. I wonder who Sang is?

Wait a second, Dr. Roberts said I was Sang. I attempt to jump up at the realization. I must know the boys. Who are they? Who is Volto? So many questions crowd my head. What is the Academy? Who was I to them?

How dare they make a decision for my life? I might not remember who I am, but that gives them no right to decide my future. Screw them, I need answers. But who will give them to me?

Not Dr. Roberts clearly. I think that Green-eyes and the other eight boys won't either. What about the nurses? They probably don't know anything. Shoot, I guess I have to rely on myself. 

That would work if I could remember stuff. I could try to remember, but that won't do me any good in this situation. According to the doctor, I have a bad concussion and severe amnesia. How did I get beaten up badly enough to end up here? 

Doc also said that there is little to no chance of regaining my memory. But there is still a small chance to do it. By God, I will! They betrayed me by taking away my decision to choose. 

It is decided. I will stay here until my injuries are healed and then take off. I am going to attempt to remember what happened to me, but I can trust no one.  I will learn the most of what I can during the duration of my stay at the hospital. I can already tell it is not a normal one. 

It probably has something to do with the mysterious Academy they all refer to. What is that? I look outside the window and see a raven, a black bird. 




"Моя птичка, твоя команда сказала мне, что я должен следить за тобой во время миссии. Я ворон, часть чая тома." (My little bird, your team told me that I have to watch over you during the mission. I am Raven, a part of the Toma Team.)

I giggle, " Я тоже говорю по-русски. Я уже могу сказать, что мы будем лучшими друзьями" (I speak Russian too. I can already tell we will be the best of friends.)

The memories cycle.

"Приходите птичка! У меня есть время с тобой. Ваша семья действительно ревнует и никогда не позволяет мне видеть вас," says Raven. (Come little bird! I have time with you. Your family is really jealous and never lets me see you.)

Another memory . . .

I face Raven as he talks to me, "Я всегда буду твоим другом. Ты знаешь, где я живу. Независимо от того, что, я всегда буду помогать вам. Кори, мой любовник, тоже будет." (I will always be your friend. You know where I live. No matter what, I will always help you. Corey, my lover, will too.)

A flood of information overcomes me. 

Raven, my Professional Russian, my friend.

I jerk back to the present and smile. I can defeat the odds. I will remember despite everyone giving up on me. 

I already have Raven on my side. 

I will become Sang once more. 


Word Count: 1168

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