Chapter-15- Angelina

Start from the beginning

I sit and take a spot adjacent to me.

"You are innocent Angie." He say softly.

"Someone says I am not. I need a dark love. I am distorted and that disturbs me. I don't want to be that. I dont want to be like Ethan. I.."

I look at Ryan and bite my tougue. He stare me for while and I look back at him. I feel like I spoiled the moment.

But then I feel a hand over the top of mine. It soothe me and give me hope.

"Some people are twisted Angie and they think others are too. But you know it's in our hand to what we want to call it. Twisted or complicated! I would prefer complicated and happy." He say and shake his head.

"Complicated yet happy. I am happy that Liam is doing well himself. He will graduate this year. I wish he get into Princeton or Harvard. He is talented. But again... " I say quite sadly and regret it.

"Yeah he will. My brother was a total idiot but he managed Harvard anyway. He had to take care of big empire and he is doing well. If he can your britger will totally nail it. Hah!" He say and mark his words on air.

I laugh and hus words repeat in my head.

" You have a brother?"

He look down then at me.

" Yes. Actually no. Oh leave it. It's Complicated. " He say and laugh.

" What is it? "

He click his tongue and shrug.

" It's too old talk to even think of."

"I will listen if you want to tell me." I offer knowing the essence of it.

With the look in Ryan's face I understood he didn't get this kind of answer to it. I Smile at him.

"When I was seventeen I found out that I wasn't my father's son and that's why my step mom didn't treat me well. After my father's death, it was hard for me there. Luckily I got scholarship to Harvard University. I went out and then I had been on my own since then. I haven't met her or Robert. It's been thirteen years since I saw their faces. "

I close my eyes to not break when Ryan needed me. So I bit my cheek and rub his hand and hold it tight.

He smile.

" Sometimes I remember them. Maybe because I am alone her and nothing for a family. I don't like that but it happens. I wish they liked me."

I remain silent and listen to him. He look me up in the eye and go on again. I am happy I am making him comfortable.

" I wonder if they even thought about me for once all these years. For real. Not about the will that my father left with. "

" I don't know what to say but I know it will get better. Because I know Liam loves me and would want me someday. Your family will accept you to. "

He scoff but don't say anything.

" Why don't you see what your left for you? I mean my loved my car because my father gave that to me. "I say and flicbh the next moment remembering Ethan posses it.

" So where is it now? "

I snigger at the situation and say," Ethan Ellsworth. "

He smile cheekily.

" I am sure that man, my father loved me. Must have left enough. I can get your car back from that whore of a man." He say and I shake my head instantly.

" I know you want to trust anyone easily and also don't want to get burdened with someone's unessesary sympathy. I had been there done that. Its not nice. But you can pay me back. With high interests rate too. " He joke.

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