Chapter XVIII: Lost then Found

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"What?!" We all said simultaneously.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Bryan said. So, Bryan had obviously not seen her.

"How could you go on without telling us?" I asked. And for the first time in my teenage years, I was actually mad at my mom. She and I had always had a great relationship. But now I wasn't even mad; I was pissed. And I knew Bryan felt the same way.

Mom took a deep breath. Dad looked at Mom slightly angry. Luke seemed confused.

"She told me not to tell you." Mom said, and it looked like she was about to cry.

"Not tell us!" Bryan said, angrier than I knew he wanted to say it.

"Why?" I said, a little less aggressive than Bryan.

"How did you see her? We were together, like, the whole time today," Bryan said.

"Not when I went to the well." And Mom then explained how she went to the well while Bryan was filling the wagon with food at the house at the corner of town. She had started filling the water in a bucket when Bella came up to her. Bella told Mom that she was sorry she had to leave, and to not tell anyone, especially not Bryan, that she was figuring everything out, and soon it would all be okay.

"She promised me." Mom finished.

"How does she know it will all be okay?" I asked, still bewildered, but not at Mom anymore-more with Bella.

"We need to find her. We can't just sit here waiting, twiddling our thumbs until Bella comes to our rescue!" Bryan used heavy emphasis and disdain on her name.

"I agree," Mom said.

"Then why did you let her go?" Bryan asked, still aggressive.

"Because I didn't want to push her. I knew I would tell you guys, I just was waiting for the right moment. Apparently now was not the right moment," Mom said and looked down at the ground.

"It never would be the right moment! You should have told me-ugh," Bryan cut himself off.

"It doesn't matter. Bryan. We need to go find her. Now." I said.

"Agreed," Bryan said.

"No. Bryan, you are not going. Kyara and I will go." Dad said.

"No! I'm going," Bryan started towards the door.

"Bryan! No, get back here," Dad went after him and held his arm to keep him back. "We must do everything together as a family. We must not get mad at Mom for trusting Bella. Remember, Mom has only been here with us for four days. She's probably a little confused about everything. I know that because it was just you and Kyara with the kids, for a few weeks, before I came along, you feel like you need to be in charge." He took a breath. "But now that Mom and I are here, you need to obey us, and do as we say." Dad held Bryan's arm tight.

But Bryan was able to pull away from Dad, as he pushed out the door. Dad went after him and I followed close behind.

"Bryan!" I screamed after him, catching up to him and passing Dad. He was heading towards town. "Dad is right!" I caught him and pulled him back. He tripped backwards but didn't fall. He stopped though, anger raging through the veins in his face.

"Please, Bryan." Dad caught up to us, panting slightly.

"Dad's right. It's not smart for you to go after her right now. She's trying to help us. You would make it worse," I said. Bryan leered at me but let me continue. "Yes, Bryan. You would make her not want to help us. I'm telling you the truth because you need to hear it.

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