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What is faith? Why do we need faith? Can't God just show himself to us? And if there is such a thing as one God, then why does he make such bad things happen to us? I mean, I know there is only one God and I have faith in him one hundred percent, but I still had so many questions for him—questions that needed answers, or else we would be lost and confused forever.

Who is doing this to us? There must be someone who hates us and wants to get back at us. I mean, God would not make my family and I endure all these things that have happened in the last couple eras. The question was: who would?

And eventually we do find out who it is. And we find out from a person we thought we knew well but realized we didn't know at all. And, of course, it had to be after the tragedy—the tragedy that would change each of our lives drastically, even more so than how the cell phone and the storm did.

Most of the time I wished that it would just end! Too much pain. Too much confusion. Too much. . . suffering. It was not how I preferred to live my teenage years. I'm pretty sure that no one my age has endured as much as I have. Couldn't God make it stop? Couldn't he just wake me up from this nightmare? And what if even worse things happen? Would I be able to take it all? Or would I just crack and decide that this life I am living isn't worth it. . .?

It's just, I thought God never gave someone more than they could handle! I'm pretty sure I couldn't handle all of this and I don't think that it is really worth handling. Did God really believe in me this much? Did he have faith in me the way I had faith in Him?

And then what about all these impossible dreams of traveling through time? I had heard once from a scientist that if you traveled back in time, then a black hole might be created. Is that why we can't get back to the future? Is it because the future is the black hole and God is protecting us from that fatal storm?

I guess time traveling plays with the mind, as well as the heart. How could I fall for Liam so fast, anyway? It's as if time sped up, and I fell in love with him so quickly because of that. I know I love Liam, especially because of everything going on. He is mine, no matter what. I just think it is crazy how fast we fell in love.

If it all was true and these dreams were possible, then wouldn't there be a way to bring back someone from the dead?

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