I look up at Awsten to see him smirking some to himself, he quickly looks down at his phone. He had borrowed some joggers from Alex because they are about the same size.

"What's so funny?"

"You're beautiful."

"I'm, Awsten i-"

"Sorry. But it's true."

"Thank you..."

"You don't believe me, do you?"

"It's not that I don't believe you. It's that I don't believe those words. I don't believe the lies."

"I'm not lying to you, I promise."

"Goodnight, A." I roll over, pulling the blanket up.

"Night, Tori."


"Awsten, A, wake up!" I gently push Awsten and he jumps some, groaning.

"Are you okay?" I ask and he nods slowly, rubbing his face.

"Bad dream. I'm fine."

"Okay, I'm sorry."

"Don't be." He smiles some.

"Okay well uh, goodnight." I say going back to the beanbags.

"H-hey uh, Victoria?"

"It's Tori. But, yeah?"

"Can I sleep with you? Not like- i- I'm sorry i- not like that um.."

"Come on, I understand what you mean." I slide over on the beanbags and he comes over, pulling the blanket with him. He lays down and gets comfortable.

"Goodnight Awsten."

"Goodnight, Tori."


"Well isn't that adorable."

"They're gonna hate us when they realize we're doing this."

"Oh yeah definitely."

I groan some, opening my eyes to see a blur of purple. Awsten was curled up in a ball facing me. His arms were loosely wrapped around me.

"What the fuck?" I ask, rubbing my face some.

"Oh shit run!" Geoff says, grabbing Otto's arm trying to run away. Awsten moves his leg and trips him, making them both fall. He laughs some, his voice was deep and scratchy. He moves away from me and I instantly shudder at the cold before wrapping the blanket around me tightly.

"Good morning assholes." He says, stretching some, yawning. He turns to look at me and smiles some.

"Good morning lovely."

"Fuck off." I roll over and cuddle closer to the blanket to keep warm.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm fucking freezing." I cover my head with the blanket and he laughs, laying back down, cuddling close. The warmth returns and I snuggled closer to him.


"Mhm." I nod some.

"What time is it?" He asks the boys and Otto shrugs.

"8am." Geoff answers.

"What the fuccccccckkkkk" I groan.

"We've gotta be back to the bus at 9. Not my fault." Geoff says and Awsten sighs.

Powerless {A.K.}Where stories live. Discover now