Chapter 1

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Louis, Liam, and Zayn were thrown in one of the dressing rooms and Harry and Niall were in the other. As soon as the door closed, Louis turned and slammed both fists into it.

"What are we going to do? I can't just sit here and not do anything!" Louis yelled.

Liam rubbed his face. "I'm not sure but if we just bust out of here, we can put a lot of people in danger."

"They are already in danger Liam! Like I said, we can't just sit here and do nothing!" Louis snapped.

Louis was pacing the floor, clenching and unclenching his fists in frustration. Zayn stood up and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I know this is hard, but if we act irrationally and out of emoton, we can hurt a lot of people. Why don't we sit down and think of something."

Louis relaxed his shoulders and turned to look at Zayn with pained eyes. Louis' eyes flickered to Liam who was tapping his foot rapidly against the floor, deep in thought. They all were freaking out and handling this in their own way and Zayn was right. If they do something irrational then they could get more people injured or worse.

Louis tood a deep breath. "Alright, let's try to figure out something."

As they sat down to discuss a plan, Harry and Niall were sitting in complete silence. Neither of them spoke a word, too afraid to worry the other. After about five minutes of silence, Harry stood up and walked to the door.

"Harry, what are you doing?" Niall asked, keeping his eyes trained on the younger lad. 

Harry turned to Niall, putting a finger to his lips showing to stay quiet. Niall looked confused but nodded trying to figure out his sudden actions. Harry gently grasped the doorknob and slowly turned it. Making sure to stay quiet, Harry slowly opened the door a crack and peeked outside. The crack was just wide enough for Harry to look through. A guard stood right by the door and was holding a mean looking machine gun. Not only that, he had a belt with a pistol, a knife and who knows how many rounds of bullets. A walkie talkie was strapped up by his shoulder probably to communicate with the leader guy. Harry gulped nervously and tried looking further down the hall. Another man stood guard in front of the other dressing room door. The guard by the door moved forward and started turning to the other guard. Harry quickly shut the door quietly and released the handle slowly.

"What did you see?" Niall asked anxiously.

Harry hesitated and sat next to Niall. "There's a man standing guard in front of our door and the other dressing room. They are armed with a lot and they have walkie talkies. It's so quiet right now out there. I don't know what's going on."  Harry turned to Niall with tears in his eyes. "What are we going to do Ni?"

Niall just shook his head. His voice cracked as he spoke. "I don't know. I don't know and I'm scared. Hundreds of fans have  their lives at stake and we are sitting here, waiting for those bastards to get their stupid money. We have to think of something."

Niall stood up and began looking for things around the room. Harry watched silently as tears rolled down his cheeks. Niall opened drawers, searched closets, went throught the clothes rack but couldn't find anything despite his search.

"Ugh, there's nothing here!" Niall said angrily.

He leaned his forehead against the wall, taking deep breaths to calm down when he heard quiet sniffles across the room. He turned and looked at Harry who was hugging his knees on the couch, crying softly.

"Harry..." Niall approached Harry as he wiped at eyes.

"I'm freaking out Niall. I'm scared for the boys, I'm scared for the fans, I'm scared for us. What's going to happen if they get their money? What will happen if they don't? I don't know what to do. I feel so helpless..." Harry trailed off as another round of tears came. Niall sat next to him and gently held him in his arms.

"We will think of something Haz. Just try to be strong for me."

Harry shook in Niall's arms as he cried. A couple of tears slipped from his eyes, but Niall didn't notice. His mind was raching to find a way to get out and somehow stop these men from harming anyone else. Niall was just hoping that Louis, Liam, and Zayn were safe and hopefully doing better than him and Harry were at the moment. Maybe, just maybe, all of them could find a way to reunite the group and stop this whole traumatic ordeal.

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