Chapter 5

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Gasps and cries. Those were the only sounds heard along with groans and sounds from fists impacting Louis' body. This lasted for a painful two minutes. The fans were screaming to leave him alone but the three men were relentless. It seemed as though it would never end.

"Alright. Let's stop. One of you go ask boss what he wants us to do with him now." One of them said.

Another took off to find Will as the others looked down at Louis' small form. Lou was curled slightly in a ball and had one arm outstretched from him. The hits he took were everywhere. Multiple to his stomach, others to his face, and the rest wherever they could touch him.

Louis was in a daze, really dizzy from the blows to his head. He tried to be strong for the fans and then this happened. Louis started to believe he was letting everyone down. The boys haven't even begun to think of an escape plan let alone how to help everyone else. How were they going to get out of this? Louis winced as a sharp pain ran through his stomach. He had a feeling he was going to be sick but he could barely keep his eyes open.

Louis' thoughts were interrupted when jogging footsteps pounded across the stage, not helping his throbbing head.

"He said bring him back to his room."

"What do we do after?" The third one asked.

"Back to what we were originally doing. Boss said he needed time for himself. Just get him back to the others and go back to your posts," The other said roughly.

Louis heard everything and felt two sets of hands pick him up by the arms. They dragged him all the way back to the dressing room. Louis felt like a rag doll. On top of that, he already knew his nose was bleeding and the way they were dragging him, made the blood rush out faster. Louis heard a door open and felt his body impact the floor.

"You fucking bastards!!" Zayn roared, pounding on the now closed door.

Liam knelt by Louis, looking at him frantically. "Oh my God...Lou? Louis can you hear me?"

Louis managed a slight whimper before Liam gently rolled him onto his back and laid his head in his lap. Zayn was still cursing at the door when Liam grabbed his attention.

"Zayn grab a shirt. I need to stop his nose from bleeding. If you can, try to find a first aid kit."

Zayn quickly grabbed a random T-shirt and handed it to Liam. Liam grabbed it and gently pressed it to his face. Louis hissed and Liam uttered a quick apology. Liam's blood was racing. He was enraged but at this moment, seeing his best friend in a beaten state made him want to cry.

"Stay awake for me Lou," Liam said softly. He swallowed the lump in his throat and turned to Zayn. "Any luck?"

Zayn slammed a cabinet shut. "Nothing. How is he doing?"

"He got beat really bad. I don't know how bad he truly is but he is okay. I'm trying to have him stay awake for now."

Zayn's face broke and he squeezed Louis' hand. "You'll be okay now. We won't let them hurt you anymore."

Louis squeezed his hand in response. Zayn smiled a bit before realizing there were bottles of water.

"We can use the water to clean him up some." Liam nodded and positioned Louis a bit higher on his lap.

"Do you think Niall and Harry might have a first aid kit?" Liam asked, grabbing the water Zayn handed him.

"Possibly. I'll go ask."

Zayn walked to the hole as Liam twisted off the cap and poured some water onto the clean part of the shirt.

"This might sting. I don't know if it will but if it hurts let me know," Liam rambled.

He pressed the edge of the shirt gently to the bottom of his nose and began wiping the dried blood away. Liam cleaned up his face and leaned his back against the couch when he was done.

"At least your nose stop bleeding so that's a plus," Liam mumbled to no one in particular.

Zayn ran back to the couch and fell to his knees. "They have a mini one but it won't fit through the hole. I managed to get two painkillers though."

"Awesome," Liam looked down at Louis who had his eyes squeezed shut at the moment. "I'm going to need you to sit up Lou. Can you do that for me?"

Louis slowly nodded and Liam helped him sit up. He grabbed the pills from Zayn and held up the water. "I need you to take these. They will help ease the pain."

Louis opened his eyes and his mouth. Liam popped them in and handed him the bottle. Louis took several gulps and felt his throat relax. He wetted his lips before turning to the two boys.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome. How are you feeling?"

"Like shit." Louis winced feeling pain in his right cheek. "I'll be alright though." 

Zayn reached over and patted his shoulder. "You should rest man."

"Yeah, lay on the couch for a bit." Liam added. "You still need to stay awake so try to not fall asleep."

Louis let out a breath. "I'll do my best. This headache will keep me up though."

Loud sounds outside the door made Louis flinch. He mentally cursed the idiots who hit him for giving him paranoia now.

"We won't let them near you. If they do, I'll punch their faces in," Zayn said sourly.

Louis smirked slightly. "Gladly do that for me."

Liam helped Louis lay on the couch. They propped his head up with the small pillows and stood off by the hole in the wall.

"What are we going to do?" Zayn whispered.

"I don't know but we can't let them hurt anyone else," Liam said, ruffling his hair.

Zayn looked over to Louis' sleeping figure. "Will he be alright? Really?"

Liam shrugged. "I don't know the extent of his injuries. Could've been a few punches or twenty. He will need to see a doctor soon. I'm positive he has a concussion.

Zayn sighed and rubbed his face. "This is a nightmare."

"Guys?" Harry's voice squeaked.

The two moed closer peering through. "What is it?"

Harry's green eyes shown with fear. "T-They took Niall."

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