Chapter 9

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Two hours passed and there was no break through of a plan. The boys decided to abandon the first one. After much discussion, it would be impossible to get Vic on their side. They trashed any ideas of any previous plans leaving them quite disheartened.

It was about midnight and the past two hours have been dreadful. No word from Will. No word about their given situation. No word spoken between the five of them. Just nothing. Each boy had chosen a space within their room to stay by themselves. Louis was laying on the couch with a pillow over his face. Even though his body hurt from being beaten, his head hurt the most. On top of that, he was hungry and needed to pee.

He began wondering if they had to have a makeshift bathroom in here if they couldn't leave. Louis was pulled from his thoughts when someone knocked but walked in anyways. Honestly why do they knock if they are coming in regardless?

"We wanted to give you boys a chance to stretch your legs and use the bathroom if needed.."

"Hallelujah," Louis mumbled, sitting up slowly.

"How can we even trust you?" Harry asked.

"If it helps any, Will told us to do it and if I was in your position, I would take it." The guy said.

"We might as well boys," Liam said.

Harry walked by watching the guard as he left. Niall followed right behind him with Liam in tow. Louis walked slowly, clearly in pain. The guard gave him a sympathetic look which did not go unnoticed by Zayn.

The boys went down the hallway to the bathrooms and took turns. Zayn saw a snack table and snuck a few things in his jacket pockets before looking around. This part of the hallway was dead. He began wondering where the others were kept. He was especially worried about his mother in the crowd.

"Yo Zee, you can go before me," Louis said.

"You sure?"

"Yeah, I'm moving slow anyways so I'll just go last."

Zayn gave him a small pat on the shoulder before walking in. The other three stood off to the side with the guard. As soon as Zayn came out, Louis went in and did his business. Louis trailed behind the others on the way back, looking at the pictures on the walls of other various artists. He tripped and fell into the guard right outside of the dressing room.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Yeah. Bit clumsy and injured," Louis joked.

The guard helped him into the room as Lou held onto him. The guard sat him on the couch before giving them all a nod, closing the door and leaving.

"I snagged some snacks," Zayn announced.

He emptied his pockets of some pretzels and chips and the boys reached for them.

"Are you okay Louis?" Harry asked. "I saw you fall right outside the door."

Louis leaned back casually. "I'm good. You know I even feel better."

"Do you now?" Liam said, raising an eyebrow.

"Yep. Probably cause I got this." Louis held up a walkie talkie and Zayn about choked on a pretzel.

"How did you get that?" Niall asked staring at him.

"When I fell, I held onto his waist. I felt my hand hit it and I slipped it off carefully as he walked me in and sat me down."

The four just stared at blankly. Louis already began fiddling with it when Liam grabbed it from him.

"Do you know what's going to happen when they realize this is missing?"

Louis reached and grabbed it back. "Do you know what we can possibly find out now that we have this?"

"This is suicidal."

"This is ridiculous."

"Absolutely insane."

"I think it's brilliant."

Harry, Liam, and Zayn turned to Niall, who was munching on his last pretzel.

"Think about it, we could get information on their next moves. Whether it's with the fans, or us, or our families. We will have to careful of course but we could find out important details."

"Niall took the words right from my mouth!" Louis said.

Liam sighed crossing his arms. Names being called to assemble by the stadium entrance, echoed from the talkie. Louis quickly turned the volume down.

"Fine. Let's listen in and see what happens."

The boys circled around Louis as Adam walked to the security room. "What do the cameras show? Any changes?" He asked once inside.

"Nothing outside or inside the hallways. Police and military are still strategizing."

"I believe Will is on the phone with them now. Let me know if anything changes."

"Yes sir."

Adam walked out and put his hand on his belt stopping. His hands and eyes surveyed his waist looking for his walkie talkie. Walking back to the security room, he retraced his steps.

"Did I leave my talkie in here?"

The younger man shook his head looking around. "I haven't seen it."

Adam furrowed his eyebrows wondering when he had it last.

"I have an extra here though that you can have."

"Thanks Jake."

Adam grabbed the talkie, turning it on. Clipping it to his belt, Adam went to find Vic to discuss any further plans or changes. He passed the boys dressing room not once considering the injured boy who fell on him earlier, was the one who snatched his original walkie talkie.

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