Chapter 10

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"How is this helping us again?"

"Liam, we already know the army is outside," Louis said.

"Knowing the army is outside doesn't help answer my question."

"It's a step. Maybe someway we can find out if they will move in on the bad guys or not," Zayn said.

"Adam, Vic. Check on the boys for me," Will said through the talkie. "I have another meeting with the chief of police."

"Yes sir."

"If they act up, you know where to take them Vic."

"Copy that."

"Where will we hide this thing?" Niall asked.

"Ugh, it's smallish, can it fit under the couch?"

"It has a blinking light!" Harry said.

"We don't have time! Do it!" Liam panicked.

Louis turned the volume down and shoved it under the couch. The boys spread out making it seem like weren't listening into plans just now. The boys ignored the knock on the door and waited as it swung open.

"You know, I am genuinely curious, why knock when you come in anyways?" Lou asked. Adam and Vic ignored him and looked around.

"We are stopping by anyways. Let's go," Vic said.

The door closed leaving a confused silence behind.

"What was that about?" Zayn said.

"Who knows."

All of them moved closer but didn't reach for the walkie talkie.

"I'm getting cabin fever in here," Zayn said annoyed.

"I'm starting to feel claustraphobic a bit," Niall said.

Harry squeezed his leg before messing with his own hair. "Sitting here sucks."

"If we could do something, I'd be all for it," Liam sighed.

"I wondered what Will meant by taking us somewhere it we act up."

"I'm not sure. Hopefully not to a torture room."

"Do you think the government will call for the aid of other countries?" Louis asked.

"That's so random." Liam commented.

"Hey, I have a lot of time to think and stuff."

"I mean maybe. Pretty positive we are on the news worldwide."

"When aren't we?" Louis smirked causing Liam to smile.

"That's true."

"I wonder how the talk is going with the cops."

Harry let out a breath. "Honestly, I hope well."

Louis stretched his arm under the couch, reaching for the talkie as Will went into one of the rooms. He looked from one of his men to the laptop on the table.

"Is it all setup?"

"They are waiting for you to connect the transmission now sir."

"Alright, let's see if these wankers will give in yet." Will pressed the space bar and the screen began recording.

"William Sherman, as you are well aware of, the stadium is completely surrounded. Are you to cooperate with us yet?" An older man began.

"What's your name?"

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