Chapter 14

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It had been twenty minutes since the three boys had cried. This time they got closer together and sat by the couch. It seemed like helplessness was mocking them again but each boy was trying to find some way out.

It was Harry who kept staring under the couch. The little red light reminded him of the walkie talkie hidden under the couch by Louis. Feeling his tightened muscles, Harry crawled his aching body over to the couch. Liam and Zayn watched as Harry pulled out the magical device that could possible aid their efforts again.

"I forgot that was under there," Zayn said, clearing his throat.

Liam scratched at his neck. "Do you think that could even work again?"

"I mean I just remembered it so it could be a sign." Harry said.

"At this point, I am ready to run out so let's listen in."

Harry scooted closer to the other two and slowly twisted the dial. White noise echoed from it before some talking appeared. From what the boys understood, Will needed a nap from a stressful hour. All three rolled their eyes and continued to listen to the new voice.

"Yeah I am going to check on them and I'll be over in ten."

"I think that's that Adam guy," Liam recognized.

"Well Adam is coming here so hide it Harry!" Zayn said.

"What if we need it though?"

"For what!?"

"I don't know! We just found it, I'd rather not leave it!"

"He's checking on us not moving us you twat!"

"Maybe I could just hide it on me!"

Zayn was about to lose it. Liam was going to say something but the door opened up just then and the three boys froze. Adam looked at them all strangely and closed the door.

"What are you boys doing?"

None of them answered. Adam looked at the trio and saw them sitting unusually.

"Stand up for me."

They hesitated but stood up as slow as possible.

"What are you holding?" Adam asked. None of them moved. "Hands up!"

All three shared a look before lifting their hands. Adam did a pat down of Liam first then Harry. Harry shut his eyes, knowing Adam was about to find the walkie.

"Well this explains why I couldn't find my walkie," Adam commented it, holding it in disbelief. "How did you get this?"

"Louis took it," Liam replied.

Adam nodded his head silently. Holding the small radio, he held it back out for Harry to take. They all looked at him in surprise.

"You can keep it."

"Why?" Zayn thought aloud.

"Cause this night needs to end."

"How can we trust you?"

"Why should we bother trusting you?"

Adam sighed. "You don't have to trust me. Look, I knew what I was getting myself into but Will is taking things too far. He's losing sight of the plan. I knew people would die but I didn't expect this many. It's going to get-"

Adam was cut off from feed on his walkie. "On my way."

He placed the other walkie in Liam's hand before heading out.

"Tune it to channel 9 in five minutes. I might be able to help you guys."

With that, Adam left the boys. The trio stood, confliction radiating from them all. How could they trust or believe this guy? He has been the most reasonable one from Will's squad all night. None of them could remember him shooting off a round from his gun. This all seemed too good to be true.

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