Chapter 8

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Will was busy looking after the plans for the night. He would stay here for days until he got his money. Running a hand through his hair, Will pulled out a cigarette and lit it. He took a long draw before blowing out the light gray cloud of smoke. Picking up his walkie talkie, he left the room and went to the entrance of the stage.

"Vic." He called through the talkie. "Move the two from the one room to the others."

"Yes sir."

"Actually before you do, wait five then do it."

"Copy that."

Will put the cigarette between his lips as he found a microphone and went onstage. The whole stadium began booing and he just laughed.

"Well aren't you lot excited to see me."

Numerous sounds were made throughout the crowd. Will took another draw from the cigarette before flicking to some fans by him.

"I just wanted to update you all on how the night has been. You see, the boys are alive and well." The stadium had sounds of relief hearing the news. "I have more good news! We will all be staying together as long as I want us to. That, and I wanna bring some guests on stage."

Will moved the mic out of the way and spoke into his walkie talkie. It was a moment before men searched an area of the crowd, dragging at least five people with them. Some screams and yelling ensued but was quickly quieted by a gunshot sent into the air.

"Meet the lovely mothers of the boys."

Gasps and protests rang out everywhere. The ladies were standing there in shock and couldn't move. The men holding them brought them closer to Will.

"Follow me with the moms lads," he said.

Will began walking down the catwalk, looking around. "Thanks to the boys and some risky fans backstage, I have made it my decision to keep things in order more strictly. If you look at the big screens behind me, you can watch up close for these events. Ladies, please tell us your names."

Will leaned the microphone close to one and she swallowed nervously.
"I'm Karen." From there, Will went down the line.

"I'm Tricia."

"I'm Johanna."

"Your Louis' mother correct?"


"Your boy is quite a handful you know that?" He chuckled.

Johanna just looked at him in disgust. as he went to the other two.

"I'm Maura."


"A round of applause for those beautiful women!" Will announced.

The crowed clapped but not with any excitement. Many watched afraid they were going to get hurt right now in front of them.

"Now ladies, as I said before you are on the massive screen behind me. The cameras will be filming you the whole time. Don't worry, I will provide seats for you all."

Will now addressed his attention to the audience. "Ladies and gentlemen, I will have you know again that the boys backstage are just fine. What they don't know is this." He paused looking at as many faces as he could. "If they do one thing. One thing that I consider to be distracting or just bad that prevents me from doing my job, I will hurt these women."

The crowd screamed in protest and Will held up his hand silencing them. "If I find out which boy has caused me trouble, I will bring him out and make him watch his mother get hurt."

Karen began crying again and Johanna tried comforting her. The other three were terrified.

"Let's hope your boys don't fuck up anymore now."

Will left the men onstage to watch them while he was gone. He walked backstage and went to a snack table that was set up. He grabbed a cookie from it and took a bite. Casually walking back to his temporary office, Will began worrying. What if the cops manage to get inside? What if this whole plan is a bust? He needed that money. when he talked to Adam, one of his other henchmen, Adam told him that military force was brought in. Will sighed, finishing his cookie.

"Boss." Will turned his attention to Vic who was walking towards him.

"I moved the boys like you asked me to."

"Good job. We will let them stay together for the rest of the plan. That will be my gift to them."

"Is there anything else you would like me to do for you sir?"

"Just check on the others and meet with Adam. He will tell you what to do about preventing any intruders from coming in. I need to revise some details for tonight. I'll be in my office if you need me."

"Yes sir."

Vic began walking the opposite way and Will went inside the room, looking down at the plans laid out. If he wants his money soon, he will have to speed things up over here and in doing so take a few more lives in the process. Will sat down and leaned back in his chair closing his eyes and getting some rest from the activities earlier.

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