Chapter 7

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After Will left the guard pushed Niall towards the door to the dressing room. Niall sent a glare his way before opening the door. A sniffling Harry shot his head up when he heard the door open.

"Niall..." He breathed out.

Harry ran towards Niall as soon as he shut the door. Harry engulfed him in a hug and began crying again.

"I-I thought they were going to hurt you like Louis. I-I didn't know what was happening. I-I-"

Harry's words were choked down by his sobs. Niall held onto him for dear life. He was relieved Harry wasn't hurt too while he was gone.

Niall cleared his throat to find his own words. "Are the others okay?"

Harry pulled away and wiped at his nose. "Yeah, they have been worried about you too."

Niall nodded as Harry surveyed him. "Are you sure you're okay?"

"Yeah. They didn't touch me."

"What happened-" Harry's sentence was when the door opened.

"You two, with me," Vic said.


"We are moving you next door."

A ping of joy rippled through the boys as they quickly grabbed what little they had the first aid kit as they were led next door. Zayn and Liam were confused when the door opened but rushed to the other two lads as they stepped inside. Zayn held onto Niall as Harry clung to Liam.

"Are you guys okay?" Liam asked.

"Yeah we are fine," Harry replied.

Smiles were exchanged until Niall and Harry looked at Louis sleeping on the couch.

"How is he doing?" Niall asked, leaning by him.

Liam scratched the back of his neck. "Not quite sure. They pain he has is on his side and his head."

Harry and Niall didn't say a word as they looked at the older boy. Louis had a nasty bruise on his cheek that was swollen. his breathing was slow and calm but hitched from the pain every now and then.

"Niall are you okay?" Zayn asked remembering he was taken away earlier from.

He stood up and shook his head. "No. I'm not okay."

Harry looked at him seriously. "I thought you said they didn't hurt you?"

"They didn't. I'm more emotionally damaged that anything else."

Liam led them all away from Louis to some other chairs. Once they sat down, Zayn patted Niall's knee.

"Tell us what happened," Zayn said gently.

Niall hesitated. "They led me to Will. He brought in this girl."

"A fan?" Liam asked shocked.

"Yeah she was looking for us apparently and they caught her. I...I tried helping but I wasn't fast enough." Niall said shakily. Tears were running down his face again.

"What do you mean by that Ni?" Harry asked looking at him worriedly.

"He-He killed her. Right in front of me." The boys just looked at him unsure of what to say. "He said he will do whatever it takes to get his money , even messing with our families."

Color drained from those three.

"No..." Harry barely managed to say. He turned to Liam and Zayn. "We can't let them hurt our families. We have to do something."

Zayn was chewing on his lip thinking as Liam zoned out. Zayn stood up and looked at them.

"There has to be a way to stop him. There has to be something."

Niall shook his head. "I don't know what there is to do. We might as well pay him."

"He doesn't deserve any money from anyone," Harry said coldly.

"C'mon guys let's think. There has to be something we can do." Zayn urged.

"What is there Zee? It's not like we have a mole to help us stop him." Harry replied looking at him.

"We just might though." Liam finally said. All three boys looked at him confused.

"Zayn. Remember when that one guard, ugh...Vic came in here before these guys?"

Zayn furrowed his eyebrows. "Yeah what about him?"

"He said we would be getting a surprise later and we both thought he was gonna take one of us? I think the surprise was Niall and Harry."

"So he wanted us all to be together?" Niall said.

"I think he did. Think about it, he's Will's personal assistant and he might be against all this extreme stuff. He brought you guys here so that shows he has some sympathy." Liam went on explaining.

"I don't know if this will workout as well as you think. This isn't like some movie," Harry said warily.

"He's right. For starters, how are we even going to talk to him?" Niall asked.

Liam was quiet. "We can figure it out."

"He only answers to Will."

"Maybe we can summon him here." Zayn said getting an idea.

"How are we going to do that? Perform some ritual or something," Harry sarcastically, still unimpressed with this idea.

Zayn looked at Niall who was looking at the ground. "Niall can be Will."

Harry and Niall looked up at him in surprise. "What!? What if he gets caught?" Harry said angrily.

"Harry, Niall is the only one who can really impersonate other people. We can try to get Vic here and tr to get him on our side." Zayn explained.

Harry was flabbergasted. "This is like asking for a death wish. We need another plan. We can't even get a hold of Vic, did you think of that?"

"Harry is right. This plan isn't fully thought out. We need a plan B," Liam spoke up.

"Okay." Zayn nodded. "Niall can you practice Will's voice?"

He nodded slowly. "Yeah, I'll do my best."

"So what is plan B?" Zayn asked.

"It can be trying to group up with the band or others or we pay him the money."

All the boys looked at each other silently thinking about which would be better to do.


Hi guys! This chapter is WAY over due but thank you for waiting for me! Sorry it took so long. I had to focus on grades and finals during the last months of school and then once I was home I had a lot of stuff to do at home so sorry for the delay but I can't control life unfortunately.

I will do my best to crank out new updates as fast as I can. We are moving into more of the exciting parts now!! YES. I hope you guys are enjoying this and stuff. Please leave your thoughts on how it's going if you wish! Comment, Vote, share with a friend whatever the case, just enjoy the story! :)

I don't leave author notes often but you needed to hear where I disappeared to haha I'm back and ready to continue this epic story. Thank you all for reading and voting you guys are amazing!!


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