"I wish I had seen these before" Camilla smiled. "I'm gonna plug this video camera in to see what's on it"

"I don't know if you wanna do that" Julianna giggled.

"Mom, ew...really?" Camilla put a hand over her mouth. "How about I plug it in the laptop and you flick through the videos while I go to the bathroom?"

"I didn't mean it like that, I just meant you never know with your dad" Julianna shrugged, taking the laptop from under the couch and connecting the camcorder to it.

Camilla returned a few minutes later to see Julianna wiping tears from her face, Camilla wasn't sure if it was sadness or joy.

"Are you ok, mom?" Camilla waddled back over to Julianna. Julianna was watching a video of her, Lorenzo and Camilla when Camilla was a toddler.

"I miss when things were like this, I tell you all the time that your dad wasn't always a bad guy. He just changed one day, I found out things I wish I didn't" Julianna frowned. "I have to forgive him now, he's dead and he's not coming back"

"You can't dwell on it Mom, he's dead. Don't think about the bad things, think about the good things" Camilla shrugged. "Have the police said anything about the case? I keep forgetting to call them back"

"They're still investigating, they have no strong leads but they believe he was killed by somebody that he knows"

"Guess that rules out Hush" Camilla said quietly to herself. "I can't help but wanna know who did this"

"So do I..." Julianna agreed. "You don't think it's anyone around us, do you?"

"If you mean, do I think it's my husband; then no I don't. I know Aubrey"

"I didn't mean him specifically, I just mean you don't think it's someone we know pretty well"

"Dad had a lot of enemies, the list is endless. I would feel a lot better to know that he died of natural causes, but to know that somebody did that to him is what I can't seem to get out of my mind"

"Why that?"

"Because he's always prepared. That day if he shooting, he said he didn't think Aubrey would show, but he was prepared either way. When he vandalised the restaurant, he was prepared. I find it hard to believe that on this occasion he got caught slipping and died"

"He knew Aubrey would show and of course he was prepared when he did those things, but, I don't see the point in you stressing yourself about this. There's nothing we can do but let the police do their job"

"I'm not stressing, I just know that what's in the dark will always come to the light and I'm preparing myself for the truth to come out" Camilla said, continuing to scope through her fathers belongings.

Aubrey on the other hand was taking some time off of his 'family man' mode, to now be around his friends. It was something he did miss, but he knew he'd have to get used to this life plus with all the drama that had happened in the past couple of months, he did need some time away from them.

"I see you're not too busy for us then" 40 laughed as Aubrey took a seat next to them. The plan was just for all of them to chill at Chubbs' house for a little bit.

"Wifey let me duck out for a while to come see you wastemans" Aubrey chuckled. "My boy soon arrive, I gotta spend as much time with my firstborns before he gets here"

"Yo, time is flying so quick. Nephew is really about to touch base" Chubbs nodded proudly.

"How long is it now? A month?" Hush asked, rolling up a blunt.

"A little over that yeah, but I know that shit about to fly" Aubrey replied.

"He still ain't got a name yet?" Baka asked. Aubrey and Baka had still been on shaky terms since the shooting and everything that transpired after that, but they were like brothers and that's all that mattered.

"Nah, we can't decide. Definitely want an A name though" Aubrey shrugged.

"What about making him a junior?" Ryan asked, looking up from his phone.

"Camilla's not feeling that, she said she wants him to have his own identity, you know? Not have to live up to my name and all that"

"Camilla has a way of making simple shit sound so deep" Baka chuckled.

"You need to smoke, I promise baby names will be popping up in your head left, right and centre" Hush chuckled, lighting the blunt and holding it in front of Aubrey.

"I haven't smoked since before I went to jail, I can't" Aubrey replied, laughing as Hush began smoking.

"He's a different man now, he doesn't do that shit anymore" 40 fanned Hush away.

"He's saying that now, but give it about 20 minutes or so" Hush blew the smoke out into the air.

"Before I forget, the baby shower is next week, it's gonna be at Julianna's house" Aubrey spoke.

"Is 40's girlfriend gonna be there?" Chubbs teased, making the others, including 40 laugh.

"Of course she is, it was her idea" Aubrey chuckled, raising an eyebrow. "I guess you two will carpool then?" He turned to 40.

"It's not even like that" 40 smirked. "We're just, I don't know, relearning each other"

"You're fucking her then?" Hush blurted out.

"No, no, I'm just spending time with her. That's it"

"It's definitely like that then" Aubrey laughed. "I'm not judging you"

"Me either, Bri is a bad one" Baka nodded.

"It's not like that, Bri is a good girl. We had our problems but I'm just seeing where it's going" 40 shrugged.

After an hour or so, Aubrey and his friends were completely high. That's when the night got somewhat messy, and of course Lorenzo was a key figure in this conversation.

"Yo, so Lorenzo left Camilla a lot of money, plus the club" Aubrey said shaking his head, making the rest of the men gasp amongst themselves.

"She gonna take it?" Baka asked.

"I told her to take it for herself, cause she was tryna use it to put towards us buying a house" Aubrey added. "I don't want that nigga being the reason my wife and my kid got a house. I wanna provide for them"

"I'm surprised she even told you, I thought she would've just did what you did with the restaurant" 40 confessed.

"She's a good person, I know she wouldn't do that shit to me. But, like, this nigga causing us more problems now that he's dead rather than when he's alive" Aubrey kissed his teeth.

"You guys ever wanna know who killed him? Just to like, I don't know, shake their hand or something?" Chubbs laughed loudly.

"All the time" the rest said in unison.

"You ever wonder if Shane did it?" Hush raised an eyebrow. "Him and that bitch, Leah"

"Shane would do that shit by himself if he's smart, Leah's a snitch" Baka nodded.

"Honestly, I think Renee probably did that shit" Chubbs shrugged. "But with help from somebody"


authors note:
Who do you guys think did it? Comment and tell me, lol.

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