Chapter 8

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We were eating lunch on the patio in the backyard, and let's just say it was a much more pleasant experience than the last time I ate with the Hughes. For one, Quinn wasn't there, and in his place was one of the most kind, cheerful men I had ever met : Jim Hughes, Jack and Luke's father. The one downside to having him around is that he teased me and Jack almost as much as Luke did. I honestly thought the two of them were going to explode when Jack told his mom he was planning to take me out that night. "Just make sure you're not out too late." She told him. "I will mom, don't worry." He said. He turned to me and grinned. I smiled right back at him, and he gently put his hand on top of mine, which was resting on my leg, under the table. My breathing hitched, because I wasn't expecting it, and unfortunately, he took that as a sign of displeasure and immediately let go, looking sheepish. I sighed. Should have kept my stupid mouth shut.

"Aaahhh, what the hell am I supposed to wear?" I wailed helplessly. Jack refused to tell me where we were going, and said "just dress normal" but of course, I still couldn't think of anything to wear. Finally, I settled on a white flowy tank top, with jean shorts and some strappy sandals. Trying to calm myself down, I took a deep breath, and opened the door. At the same time, Jack walked out of his door, in a muscle shirt, and cargo shorts. "Wow, you look... amazing." He breathed, making me blush. "Thanks, you look great too." "Well," he smirked, "you seemed to enjoy my arms this morning, so I thought I'd give you a little more." Damn. He was never gonna let me forget that, was he?"Are you ever gonna let that go?" I asked, blushing harder. "No chance." he grinned. I groaned. "It's not my fault you have nice arms" "Oh my god, you're complimenting his arms?" Luke says, walking out of his room. "Yeah, what should I compliment?" I asked him. "I think you know." he said in that same seductive tone from before. We stared at each other for about five seconds, and then burst into laughter. "Oh man!" Said Luke, wiping a tear from his eye. "You should've seen your face!" Before I could respond, Jack grabbed my hand, and started to lead me down the stairs. "We're going now." He said roughly. "Bye Luke," I said waving to him. "See ya, Amy!" He called from the top of the stairs. I noticed Jack didn't say bye to Luke

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