Chapter 17

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I walked slowly up the driveway of the Hughes house, sighing in relief when I noticed that Jack's car wasn't there. I quietly opened the door, slipped inside, and locked it. Just as I was about to go up the stairs, I heard Ellen call my name. "Yes?" I asked, sticking my head into the kitchen. "Would you please help me set the table?" She asked. "Of course." I told her, stepping over and grabbing some plates from the counter. It didn't take us long to finish, and we just stood in companionable silence, until she reached out a hand to pat my arm and said "Don't worry about Jack sweetheart, he just gets emotional sometimes. It's what makes him a great hockey player, but it's also one of his biggest flaws." "Thank you." I whispered, because I knew if I said it any louder my voice would break. "No problem, I'm just telling you the truth." She smiled at me, and then went to go get Luke from upstairs. As she left, I slowly walked into the dining room and sat down in my spot. My spot. The one that Jack had offered to me the first time I came here. Thinking of that day, thinking of how sweet he was... I couldn't. The tears rapidly fell down my face, as I asked myself what did I do wrong; what had I done to make him hate me? 

As I was wiping my eyes with a napkin, Ellen walked backed in. Seeing my red, puffy eyes, she immediately rushed over to me. "Oh, don't cry Amy." She soothed. "Here, would you like to take your dinner to your room?" I shook my head. "Actually... would you mind if I just, um, skipped dinner tonight?" I asked, trying to be as polite as I could. She nodded understandingly and I scampered up the stairs. Halfway up, I ran into Luke, who took in my tear-stained face. "It's ok." was all he said before continuing down the stairs.

I walked quickly over to my room and shut the door. Once I was safely inside, I slid down, so my back was against the door, and my head was resting on my knees. I don't know how long I stayed like that, crying silently, but after some time, I reached a point when I just had no tears left inside me. I slowly walked over to my bed, using my hands to navigate, as I hadn't even turned on the light. I found the bed, and crawled onto it. I checked the clock. 11:00pm. Wow, I'd been crying for longer than I thought. It was late and Jack was probably home by n- I shook my head quickly. I needed to stop thinking about him. I grabbed my phone and started scrolling through my music, trying to find something to comfort me. I finally settled on Gotye's 'Somebody That I Used To Know' because it had been my mom's favourite song. I listened to the sad slow, opening and closed my eyes when the chorus came.

A.N - yes ik this chapter was super boring, hopefully the next couple are more interesting ;)


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