Chapter Three - Home

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Despite what you might have thought before, it was incredibly difficult to rein in seven hybrids to fit in your car, get them all buckled in, and fit all of the 'necessary supplies' in as well. They weren't all tall, the shortest seemingly Jimin. Namjoon was sitting in the passengers seat, figuring out the seatbelt and helping the others who struggled. You'd have thought they'd have been in a car before, but maybe not.

"Is everyone ready to go?" You looked in the mirror, seeing Yoongi, Jimin and Hoseok in the middle row, and Taehyung, Jungkook and Jin in the back. Each gave you a thumbs up and a smile so you pulled out of the parking space.

"Have you guys never been in a car before?"

"I have! I have, but I didn't get a seat, they put me in the trunk and I had to hold on." You nearly swerved off the road at Taehyung's excited response, seemingly proud that he'd been tossed in the trunk like an animal.

"My old owner didn't let me have a seat either, but he let me sit on the floor inbetween the kids. It would have been fun but they kept pulling on my ears..." Jimin's sentence faded into almost silence near the end as his hands subconsciously went up to flatten over his ears.

"I escaped from my old owner when he tried to make me sit in the trunk, he closed it, but not tight so when he was locked in his seat I threw it back open and hopped out. I ran as far as I could, and then the shelter found me." Yoongi seemed unbothered by his admission but your heart was sinking with each sentence that came out of his mouth.

"Well, I can promise you now that I'm not making anyone ride in the trunk or on the floor, you all have to sit in a seat. I don't like the danger and inhumanity that sitting anywhere else in the car brings."

You were given several nods and heart-warming smiles and you hadn't even realized but you were already in your neighborhood. You had been on autopilot hearing their horror stories.

You finished the last few turns, pulling into the parking garage and helping everyone out of their seats. Each hybrid had a bag to take in of their things, and you carried in the bag with the heat suppressants and your copies of the paperwork. You tread through the halls of your apartment building, pressing the button for your floor on the elevator. Jungkook nearly fainted when the elevator began moving, not having expected the sudden movement.

Your keys were in your pocket and you grabbed them, taking the right one and sliding it into the lock on the door. You turned it and pushed the door open, stepping in and setting your things on the couch and turning, expecting to see the hybrids behind you. But, they weren't there. You backtracked, finding them waiting at the door still.

"Are you going to... come in?"

"We were waiting for permission."

"I- You were- What?" You floundered, brows furrowing.

"Why would you need to do that?"

"Most owners make hybrids ask for permission to do everything. Most of us weren't even allowed to sleep without permission." Namjoon's explanation sent your head spinning.

"I.. Of course you can come in, you don't have to ask for permission for something as little as that."

The shot you smiles, shuffling in and waiting for you to give them instruction.

"You can do whatever you want, don't wait for me to tell you. I'm not gonna boss you around, you live here now. You have permission to do most anything you want, but if you think I wouldn't do it, don't do it."

"Anything we want? Even sit on the couch?" Hoseok's eyes were glowing with excitement.

"Like I said, you live here now. Let's not do anything too extreme but you're permitted to do really anything if you want to." 

You were wrapped in a tight embrace by Jin, his head finding it's way onto your shoulder as he held you from behind.

"Thank you so much Y/N, for everything. You have no idea how much you've given us. We're all really grateful and half of us are too excited to take the time to thank you, but trust me, from all of us, we're really thankful for you."

"I.. I don't want to take more credit than I deserve. I'm treating you the way you should be treated. I'm so sorry that you've been abused like you have in the past but that's not the way that you should have been treated and I don't deserve anything for doing what I'm doing. I'm not really doing anything, to be honest."

It was Yoongi who spoke up, already having planted himself on the back of the couch with his eyes half closed, "Y/N, you don't understand. Hybrids don't have many rights in society, it's basically law that we're treated like dirt. So what you're doing is something, it's something that none of us have ever really experienced before. Humans might be used to being treated this way, but hybrids are consistently treated like scum."

"Didn't the shelter treat you nicely?"

"You saw the room they stuck us in. We're not permitted out during the day and our sleeping situations are much worse, they 'don't have the budget for beds' so we get to sleep wherever we want on the floor. We have to fight over the three threadbare blankets that are the size of a baby to cover us and there were almost a hundred hybrids there. They only act nice to us in front of people so that no one kind, no one like you, reports them," He snorted, tail lazily curling and uncurling behind him.

"Yoongi! You made her cry, what the hell?"

You hadn't even realized that you were crying until Namjoon pointed it out, each head in the room turning to you if they weren't already.

"Oh god, I'm really sorry, I didn't mean to, I swear!"

You waved off his apology, sniffling and wiping your cheeks.

"Don't apologize, it isn't your fault. You've all been treated so horribly and I can't believe that people sink that low in life to abuse others. I'm crying because I can't believe someone would do that, not because you did anything, don't worry."

Jin took your hand, still behind you and led you to the couch, pulling you down to sit next to him. Jimin scrambled over to you, fitting himself in your lap and tucking his head in your neck.

Namjoon laughed at your alarmed expression, "He really likes to cuddle people, and hybrid's mates always smell amazing to them. But if you're not comfortable, he can get off." The last part was directed at Jimin who didn't even move in your lap.

"Oh, uhm, it's okay, it's just going to take some getting used to."

You felt Jimin smile into your neck and heard a small whispered, 'thank you Y/N'. You weren't sure if that was for not kicking him out of your lap or for taking them home in the first place, but for either, you didn't mind.

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