'The Marysue' PART I

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I walked up to the mirror, my shining blue orbs, luscious strawberry blonde hair, and my perfect skin, gleamed as I took a look at myself, I'm so ugly!

Bish, don't even, wtf

I know we all are insecure about our looks, but ur on a whole other level!

You just stated you have perfect skin! How the Swiss roll are u ugly!

It's even worse when she has a best friend or twin that is supposed to look like her, and then in the whole book she will praise their looks, but when it comes to her she thinks she's ugly.

Do you not look like her? Did you just lie to me?

Or the author forgot then...

No one likes these kind of characters...

P.s. why orbs? (Actually lets talk about that another time)👌

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