'Slut shaming'

183 27 9

Y'all this happens a lot.

Our nerdy MC will basically judge the mean girl and call her a slut just because...

1. She is caked with makeup.

2. She wears revealing clothes

3.she sleeps with multiple men.

While the MC is the complete opposite

1. Is totally against makeup

2.wears hoodie and pants.

3.is a virgin

And while our precious nerdy MC is judging this girl, she acts all smug about it. The girl she usually is judging this way is usually the love interests ex or something..

Like the love interests ex (let's call her mean girl) is basically there to make the MC suffer!
Girl don't you have anything else to do?

And let's be real, our nerdy MC has only ever talked to this mean girl, Like a couple times! And most of the time, there dissing each other.

1. She's freaking human too, and you can't judge someone you don't know that well.
2. Just because she wears a bunch of makeup doesn't mean she is any less of a person than you, our nerdy MC ,
3.Gurl what she does sexually doesn't or shouldn't affect her personality. Your sexuality is your freaking sexuality, not your personality.
4.I'm coming at you authors too, making characters like this ain't gonna get you no reads. ( ok that's a lie), but still!
5.And readers! You guys aren't clean either! When I read a book with a 'slutty mean girl' and the MC is 'sticking up' to her, everyone's all like:

"That bitch, she's getting what she deserved!"
"Ugh go rot in a well! No one needs stuck up bitches like you"

1. You sound like the stuck up bitch here,
2. This character has feelings, or should have them, so why do her dirty like this.

Maybe she acts mean because she's insecure, maybe she's jealous of the MC.

Maybe she wears makeup because she isn't all that hot under it all.


I get it people like these characters exist but most of the time there over-Exaggerated.

And aren't we kind of teaching the younger audience that it's ok to slut shame?

And not everyone has the same opinion on what a slut is.

(Damn that was long, sorry y'all, you didn't need to read this, I just kind of wrote every single thing that was crammed in my head about this topic.)

This is for, KeepCalm931 she better use this if she gonna write a book, oh and Salma I'm still waiting for that chapter.

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