ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙:𝔽𝕣𝕠𝕞 𝕄𝕒𝕕 𝕋𝕠 𝔾𝕝𝕒𝕕

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Chapter 1:From Mad To Glad
Y/N=Your Name
F/C=Favorite Color
L/N=Last Name
Chapter read over once.
Your POV
I'm walking thru the streets of LA. After unpacking for the last couple of days into my new apartment has gotten me down. Since I came out for my walk I've been happy, jolly girl! I was wearing my favorite hoodie, my Take Chances hoodie, with my favorite song playing in my F/C earbuds. My phone was sitting in my back pocket throwing out my favorite song into the earbuds. The happy vibes, turn to pure anger in only a few moments.
Some guy just threw his coffee at me, ruining my favorite hoodie. I stood there I disbelief, eyes closed, letting the coffee drip. I looked up to see the man, he had a devilish smirk laid across his face. He stared me in the eyes as he walked past me. I stood there a few more moments still in shock. At that very moment I was angry, and so I stormed my way to my apartment.
As I continued walking, some people looked at me weird. When I got on the floor of my apartment I walked with my head low in the hall to my place. The coffee was still there, but luckily not dripping anymore just in a damp state. The coffee scent piled the air around me.
While walking I bumped into someone, giving me shock again. I didn't look at there face, but I apologized several times. That's when their voice was pushed thru.
"It's fine, but is that coffee on your hoodie?" He questioned, his voice somewhat familiar.
"Yes," I said, anger slightly traced my words. I still haven't seen his face.
"If you don't mind me asking, how?" They asked.
"Some random guy just threw their cup of coffee at me, with not even apologizing. Not even a word or purpose to throw the coffee!" I said, anger still traced thru my voice. My face still faces the ground.
"How about this. My name is Sam Golbach," he said. That's when I looked up, I now recognize who he was. I guess there was shock written on my face.
"A fan I assume?" He asked.
"Yeah. My name is Y/N L/N," I said, anger no longer heard.
"That's a nice name, mind if I could walk you to your apartment and stay for a bit?" He asked.
"I don't mind, and I don't think my roommates would mind. The two are fans," I said.
He followed me to my apartment, and I took my keys out and unlocked the door. When it was opened my roommate, Hannah, ran to me. Her orange hair, with magenta tips, followed behind. She tackled me, making the two of us laugh, and another laugh. When she saw Sam, her facial expression was in shock.
"What the sh*t?" She said. Sam and I laughed.
"Mind getting off 'Nannars?" I asked, using the nickname I gave her years and years ago.
"Sure," She said getting up. I stood up beside her, walking in with the two of them.
"MOM!" I yelled. Sam had a confused expression on his face. Payton came down, wearing her Bill Cipher long sleeve.
"Payton, look who I saw!" I said. She looked over and almost fell.
"What the f**k?" She said. Sam let out a laugh.
"Also what the f**k happened to your hoodie?" Payton asked pointing at me.
"Some idiot threw their coffee at me while I was out on my walk," I said.
"And that's your damn favorite hoodie!" Hannah yelled. Sam looked at the design of the hoodie.
"What about my hoodies?" He asked, acting hurt. I gave a shrug.
"This is Payton, who we call Mom, Mother, Mama Cipher, sometimes Mommy, and other odd nicknames," I said pointing to Payton. Payton was the oldest of Hannah and I, with somewhat blonde hair. She had braces, the top blue, and the bottom black, and her blue glasses laid on her face.
"And Hannah, which we call Han, Hans, Banana, and my all-time favorites 'Nannars and 'Nannar," I say.
"And I already know your name," Sam said.
"Yeah," I said.
"So wait. Y/N you have to order a new hoodie!?" Payton yelled.
"I assume so. The coffee would stain the light colored parts," I said with a sad tone.
"Maybe I could see if Colby is willing to give you one," Sam offered, taking out his phone.
"Maybe when you get back to your place. But for now, just relax." I said to him. He nodded and typed something on his phone.
"I need food," I said walking to the kitchen. I open the fridge to see my bag of [Favorite Candy] at the bottom shelf. I pick it up and walk to the couch where everyone else is, and shared a bit.
We all just talked about ourselves, cracking a couple of jokes. During this time Sam and I explained how we bumped into one another.
"Well, I have to head out. Nice meeting you all!" Sam said.
We all said bye to him, and he went out of the door. I got up to change into a different hoodie.
Sam's POV
When I arrived in my apartment I took my phone out and texted Colby.
Their Conversation:
Sam: Hey
Colby: What's up?
Sam: I just met someone and they are a fan
Sam: Someone ruined their Take Chances hoodie on a walk today
Colby: how'd that happen?
Sam: Someone thru their coffee
Colby: well that's a sh*tty person
Sam: I agree I was wondering if we could give them a brand new hoodie no charge
Colby: that would be nice
Sam: it would so you wanna?
Colby: sure let's give it tomorrow
Sam: Alright, I bet it'll make their day
Colby: I agree
Sam: well I'll leave you alone now bye
Colby: Bye

987 words

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