"No you don't!" I yelled taking a step back from him causing his arms to fall back to his side. "You never once cared about anything I done! How did you find out about this anyway?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Did Karen tell you? Did some complete stranger tell you? Cause it seems like a stranger knows more about me then you will ever know!" Tears were now streaming down my cheeks as my face flushed a light red. I was filled with so much anger and sadness at the moment. Why does this have to come up now? Why couldn't this come up years down the road when we are out of school so I won't have to worry about anyone else finding out. "Do you even know me?" I was now whispering. "Did they also tell you that I have a eating disorder?" I suddenly regretted saying that right as Connor's face showed even more anger as before.

"Eating disorder?" He asked taking a step towards me. I stumbled back a view steps causing me to run into the wall. He kept walking up to me untill he was just inches away. "Do you know what you are doing to yourself?" I quickly nodded as his face started fuming with anger. "HOW COULD YOU BE SO DAMN STUPID, AMBER!" He yelled taking a step back so he could fully look at me. "YOU ARE KILLING YOURSELF!"


"THEN WHY!" Even though he was yelling I could see a little sadness cross his eyes, but it quickly disappeared when anger took over it again.

"If I tell you, you wont understand me." I mumbled. "I am so-" 

I couldn't even finish my sentence. I hand smacked across my face causing me to fall to the ground from the sudden force. I gripped my face from where he recently hit me and looked up at him shocked as tears rushed to my eyes.

"When you die from your stupidness, I will be one person that will not go to your funeral." With that he slammed my door behind him, leaving me on the floor with a huge hand mark on my cheek.

-End Flashback.-

"Why do you just let people go so fast?" Louis asked sitting up straighter, causing me to pull away from him and faced him crossing my legs. "When we talk about what happened to us you act like it was nothing. Now you are acting like this is nothing!" He slightly raised his voice causing me to slightly flinch back a little by complete shock. Was I just thinking outloud? Does Louis now know everything that happened that day?

"Don't worry about me Lou." I raised a hand to let him know I really didn't want him to worry about me at all. "I don't like reliving my past. I regret doing so much. Like example, letting you slip out of my life so easy. I should have fought harder to keep in touch with you." A tear slipped out of my eyes again as I watched Louis' expression soften.

"That was my fault too Amber. I was the one that ignored you." he wiped away my tear with his thumb as I felt a smile creep onto my face. Somehow he always knew how to make me feel better.  Whether it was from a rough break up too my parents fighting. I would always run next door and a few minutes later you could find me laughing as if nothing in my life was wrong. I looked up in his eyes and his beautiful blue eyes had turned a slightly grey telling me that he was worried but happy at the same time.

"I always wanted your eyes." I mumbled slightly frowning. "I hate my normal brown boring eyes." 

"I always loved your eyes though." Louis said raising an eyebrow. "You have the prettiest brown eyes that I ever seen." I rolled my eyes as I stood up. 

"Come on bestfriend." I helped him up and watched as he had to catch his balance. "We have to pack if we leave in about 5 hours to make it to my grandpa funeral tomorrow night." He nodded as I followed him to his car.


"Are you ready?" My mum yelled from downstairs. "Louis says if we want to make it we have to leave now!" I rolled my eyes as I zipped up my suitcase and took one last glimpse around my bedroom hoping I wasnt missing anything.

"Coming!" I called out opening up my door. Instead of walking out my doorway I slammed into a body instead. 

"Sorry." I said looking up to find Zayn standing there. Confusion crossed my face as I watched him grab my suitcase from me. "Zayn? What are you doing here?" I would've thought him and the rest of the boys went out to a bar and got drunk tonight after their concert, but I couldn't smell any alcohol on him.

"Making sure you don't need help with your luggage." He said in a obvious tone. I rolled my eyes as I walked past him and down the stairs. "Jeez, what all are you bringing?" He asked when we finally reached downstairs and into the presence of my parents and Louis.

"Oh you know just the usual, bricks and rocks." I joked standing between my mum and Louis. I watched Zayn drag my suitcase to the car mumbling a few colorful words under his breath.

"Someone got sassier." Louis said walking towards the door. 

"Learned from the pro!" I joked following his lead as my parents followed right before me. 

"I knew I would corrupt you sooner or later." I rolled my eyes as I skipped over to Zayn and gave him a quick hug.

"I don't know when I will see you next." I mumbled into his chest.. "So, bye Zayn." I pulled away and forced a smile onto my face as he smiled back. "Tell the other boys I said bye and will hopefully see them soon." He nodded as I got into the back of the car as my parents were already in the front. When Louis finally got in after saying goodbye to Zayn my dad turned the car on and started to drive away.

"We are going back home!" Louis spoke through the awkward silence. I let a small laugh escape my lips as I turned to him and nodded. I grabbed the hem of my shirt and slightly pulled it down.

"After 2 years I get to go home again." I looked out the window as I tried to remember when I use to live in Doncaster. "I wonder who lives in my house." I thought out loud.

"Some old people." Louis answered a little too proudly. "I had to interview the people that were gonna live in your house!" I rolled my eyes as I playfully pushed him.

"I am surprised they stayed in that house, and you didn't scare them off yet!" I joked.

"I happen to not be that bad!" Louis defended himself. I laughed at him as I turned my attention back outside.

"I will let you think that." I said while watching all the cars speed by.

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