"You'll make the children cry if you mention that, Felice."

The group turned to see Schnee standing behind them. He smiled at them, holding the hand of little Luna.

"Daddy!!" Luna giggled, running up to Clarence. Clarence picked her up and tickled her stomach.

"Hello, sweetie. Did you have fun playing with your big brother?" Clarence said, glancing at Schnee.

"We played lots of games together." Schnee held up a piece of paper in his pocket. "She also drew her family. Isn't this sweet?"

"Big bro tired me out!" Luna clapped her hands with a grin. "But I'm also really hungry... what's for dinner, daddy?"

"It's Sunday today, so it'll be a roast." Clarence bounced her up and down. "Do you want to take a nap before it, though?"

"Yeah... Schnee is really fast!" She pointed at her and Schnee's muddy shoes. "He's a great big bro..."

"I'm glad I could help out, Professor." Schnee bowed. "I know you must've been busy, especially with my... treasure hunt."

"Oh, Schnee... I'm sorry..." Luella handed back the map to Schnee. "... We didn't get a chance to complete it. We had a little emergency around here."

Schnee frowned, but tried to hide his sadness. "I see... it appears I'll have to step it up next time. I intend to attend your wed-"

Luella gasped and covered Schnee's mouth, much to the confusion of Clarence. Luna laughed away, finding it hilarious.

"L-Luna really needs to take a nap..." Clarence sighed, half to get the laughter to stop. "... Schnee, will you check on Dai and Carlen for me?"

"It would be my pleasure." Schnee waved to Luna before departing, heading up to the roof where he last saw Dai and Carlen.

He was glad that it wasn't raining. Rain tended to make everything sadder, which would've been ironic for what just went on.

Dai and Carlen were still on the roof, with Carlen resting his head on Dai's lap. He partially didn't want to disturb them, but he also wanted to check if they were okay.

"Schnee...!" Dai turned to him and smiled. "Oh... you weren't watching us, were you...?"

"I was playing with Luna at the time." He informed them, "The Professor just wanted me to check up on you."

"You can tell him that his new formula doesn't work." Carlen scoffed, burying his face in Dai's thighs.

"Perhaps it's because your body doesn't want to change." Schnee sat down next to the two. "You keep injecting yourself with a possibly harmful thing... it's only natural that your body would mutate and evolve."

"So it's trying to curse me to be like this?" Carlen lifted his head, looking at Schnee.

"No... it's not a curse." Schnee smiled at him. "You can fly with those wings. Your tail can hold extra things. Your nails could rip through things... not to mention that Dai still loves you, no matter what you look like."

"It's true, Carlen!" Dai grinned, "Your wings and tail will be great when it comes to cuddling..."

Carlen sat up, as if he was considering Dai's words. He pulled Dai over, so he was on his lap, wrapping his wings and tail around him. Dai sank into his arms immediately, a small blush rising in his cheeks.

Superhuman: Dawn of PowerWhere stories live. Discover now