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Okay, I'm loving this song, it's been on my playlist for a few days. Here's another chapter, the reason I could write this chapter is that I got a suspension for being late 24x and because I've been busy and couldn't update the way I wanted to and it's frustrating. So I'm enjoying these 2 days free I have. 


3rd person's POV

As seconds pass by the more Yashashree wants to savor Aleena's lips. She lets her hands go down to the black-haired girl's waist, once she has a good grip she pulls her closer to her body, wanting to touch, feel her.

As her father said, the man knows no bounds.

The kiss turned from a simple sweet peck into a passionate one. Aleena who was unsure if kissing the woman who keeps on pursuing her is the right thing to do or she let her kisses her because of the spur of the moment. There are a lot of conflicted feelings inside but she for the 1st time blocked it all away and enjoy the moment. 

Not caring about what will happen in the future. Their tongue fight for dominance soon Yash let Aleena dominate hers making the A cup woman smile in the kiss. 

Well, I will just let her take the lead this time, - Yahs thought, in denial that she's completely head over heels for the woman.

Aleena on the other is content that she could make the woman in front of her give up and let her take control considering that Yash was always the one who initiates.

Feeling the heat igniting at the lower part of her body, Yashashree putting her hand on Al's soft butt, lifting her up not removing her lips from Al's. She carries her on the sofa near them.  Yash let her hands explore, getting inside Al's top, her fingers touching Al's bare soft skin. 

Feeling a little hornier, Yash decided to step it up, her fingers tracing up to the black-haired girl's bra, not liking the undergarment that's prohibiting her from touching the cutest pair of boobs, she pulls it up revealing the hardened nipples. Curious, she leans closer to it then bitting her softly earning a low moan from Aleena. 

Pleased of the reaction she got, she continues nibbling, licking, bitting on the woman's nipples. Once she felt Aleena's hand pushing her closer to her chest, she pulls away. This move earned her a glare and whine from Al.

Yash smirks, liking how Aleena whines, begging for her to continue. She returns to kiss her but this time slowly, savoring every second of it. Then she starts putting butterfly kisses from Al's neck then down to her shoulders before returning on pleasuring her neck, while she's at it she takes this chance to softly bite Al's skin before sucking it hard leaving a bright big red mark on it. 

On the other hand, the black-haired woman didn't notice what Yash has done instead, Aleena is loving it all, the kisses, how Yash touches her making her body squirm with every contact, the way she smirks, and last but the least her warmth. These are the few reasons she likes about Yashashree on her list. 

Feeling brave Aleena tugs on Yash tie, untying it before throwing it away, landing somewhere in the office. This seems to shock Yash making her pause for a minute, staring at Aleena's determined eyes. Amused by the girl's behavior, she unbuttons one and looks at Al as if telling her that it's her turn to continue unbuttoning the rest.

Aleena picked up the message and oblige. Once she reaches the last two buttons she stopped.

Yash noticed it and was about to panic thinking that she did something or Al wasn't ready for it yet. But then Al rips it apart, making the buttons fall on the floor. Yash looks at her questioningly but she just ignores her and stares adoringly at Yash 8 packs abs, attracted by them she slowly brings her hands on them caressing them up and down.

'' I see that you've come to like them.'' teased Yash as she stares at now flushed Aleena. 

''Maybe.'' She answered still looking at her abs.

''Hahaha, adorable but I can clearly see you ogling them,'' Yash pushes, making Aleena flustered so Aleena said the 1st thing that comes to her mind.

''I could say the same thing to you. You love my chest so much that you put a lot of hickeys on them,'' Replied Aleena as she starts covering her breast.

''Not as much as I love you,'' Blurted Yash, she mentally slaps herself for sounding so cheesy, so whipped?

This seems to silenced Aleena, Yash grabs Al's hand and softly squeezes it.

''Did I make you unco-'' But Aleena beats her to it. She grabs Yash's collar and pulls it closer to her, her nose almost touching Yash's. This move caught Yash off guard, her cheeks are flushed.

''Help me fall in love for you then, it's unfair that you're the only one,'' she said before giving Yash a peck on the cheek. Aleena bid her goodbye, hiding away how flustered and embarrassed she was.

As for Yash, she stares at the closed door dumbfounded, with her heart beating faster than before.

To be continued.

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