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I'm currently in my tech class, and just finished this chapter. But I don't wanna wait and publish it when I get home so I'm gonna update it now.

Without further ado, here's a chapter of Jaq and Kayla


Kayla POV

Of all the woman the women I've been with, no one seems to stick around. But I couldn't care less, I was the reason why they left.

It wasn't my fault that she came in while I was in the middle of undressing my date, plus I've never said we were a thing. She confused the word fling to the girlfriend. 

I looked at the clock and it read 23:56, I sighed knowing that I have to get up from this comfy bed and get out before this girl wakes up. I tiptoed around the bed to grab my discarded clothes and put them on. Once I was done, I slide a cheque of 15.000 dollars on the nightstand and walked out of the room.

I don't really know her but I know she's a model from this popular lingerie company Victoria somethin'. 

She's really good in bed though and those fingers of hers really do their magic.

I decided to go back to my mansion or house whatever It has 16 bedrooms and 8 bathrooms...

I drove my  ASTON MARTIN VALKYRIE going over the speed limit, I live out of the city but going at this speed instead of taking 4 and a half hours, it took me 3 hrs.

My mansion is surrounded by trees that are taller than my house (or mansion) making people to not see it clearly, some people told me that I should cut the trees down but I always said that I like it the way it was. I like it the way it was like the way things have always been like when she was here.

I shook my head to forget the memories and went inside to have my bath. 

Once I got into my home, I could feel the cold penetrating my skin in each step I took, I started to argue with myself if this was a good idea but my body was stinking so bad and sweat. Plus I need to get to work or that sexually frustrated friend/ boss of mine say something. 

I groaned in distaste as I crawled my way to the bathroom.  The bathroom's door is a very transparent glass, I requested for the architect for it to be like that. The woman looked at me weird when I told her I wanted for it to be transparent but then she just shrugged after I told her the reason.

As I lift my blouse, slowly I can see the mark that I've been hating since that day. I've gone to a lot of specialists but they cannot erase the fuckin' mark. Thinking about it angers me, so I look away from my reflection on the mirror and fetch my phone from my pockets.

I turned it on and notifications started poppin' up, most of them were from my assistant Claris Rey aka CR ( lol she really turns red when I call her that sometimes).

Meeting this at that time then having lunch with these people then and that. I could feel my body loses its strength as I continue on scrolling down. But when a certain name catches my attention, I re-read the sender's name thrice, I wasn't dreaming she really did send me an email.


from: Jaquilin Rosé

subject: lunch meeting Ms. Vargantes

Hello, Ms. Fiore. I just want to inform you that your lunch meeting with Ms. Vargantes has been canceled due to personal reason. That's all, thank you for your time and sorry for the inconvenience.


Man and here I'm thinking of spending my lunch with her. Welp there goes my plan.

I flopped down on my queen size bed and groan as I cover my face with the pillow frustrated. I close my eyes, trying to sleep for a little bit.





A loud bang woke me up from my sleep, making me flinch and fall off the fucking bed, hurting my back in the process. I groan and curse as I feel my back bones crack. 

But these profanities seems funny since someone behind me started giggling. I can't help but get angrier. Here I am with a tired body and my ass just got slammed on the freakin' cold hard floor because of this person and here they're laughing at my misery.

''To see you groaning in pain because of a little scare, your momma must have given you the shittiest genes,'' 

Oh I know who's that stupid ass bitch, it's Abby, the nasty. 

''Oh so we're doing the momma ey, okay, okay. You asked for this. Your momma so nasty that when she bit a dog she gave it rabies.'' 

''Your momma is so fat  when she stepped on a scale it said, One person at a time.''

''Your mama so nasty that when she spread her legs, there are barnacles living in.''

She was about to say something when Jaquilin appeared behind her with a menacing glare. 

''Abby, I sent you here to wake her up not bicker with her as kids do.'' She says disappointedly. I gulp and shut my mouth immediately when she turns her gaze on me.

''And you Ms. Fiore shouldn't be woken up by someone. You're old enough to set an alarm!'' She nags, I slowly stand up fixing my curly hairs trying to compose myself but I stop when she shakes her head letting me know that I'm failing miserably. Abby just snickers, resulting for my body to move on their own. I pick up the closest thing at my reach and throw it at her.

But instead, the panty landed on Jaq's face. 

 Abby hastily walks out of the room, knowing that's it's about to go down.

Jaq's face started contorting in a strange way. Her cheeks are beet red, she slowly grabs the panty off of her face before tackling me to the floor.

''You're really testing my patience little mouse.'' She growls, pinning my wrist up above my head.

But the thing that I find strange is that this situation is... turning me on.

Fuck Kayla, you keep it together you horny ass.  - Shouts my mind but my mouth opens releasing a low moan making my face heat up.


To be continued.

It started with her boobs (LESBIAN STORY)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt