Chapter 6

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Author's Note

Before reading the story please play the song:  ALINA BARAZ - ELECTRIC FT. KHALID


Yashashree's POV

How dumb could you be?!

I massage my forehead as I replay the scene in my head.

What's wrong with me? You're the boss, why stutter just by asking a lady out?!

I slap my cheeks to get myself together. I was busy slapping myself but stopped when I heard the door creaks. I look at my best friend Kayla shaking her head, says: '' If you are gonna torture yourself, you should have asked Jaquilin for a roundhouse kick. I'm sure you would be asleep.''

''Uh, no thanks, I'd rather have my head attached to my body than it laying on the floor,'' I reply, grabbing the papers that are in her hands and putting it on my desk. I saw her whole body shivers as she imagines the scene in her head. She shakes her head before sitting on the sofa situated on the left side of my office.

''Don't you have a work to do?'' Half an hour ago she was messing with the microphone in the broadcasting room, luckily Jaquilin is here to stop her from destroying another one.

She pouts and crosses her arms, '' Ehhh, Yash, I did it minutes ago so I can see you slapping your face.'' I roll my eyes at her. I look at my desk covered with papers, lots and lots of it.

Stocks of document and contracts keep on pilling up on my desk but I'm not in the mood to sign them. I don't know but my body is tired. I shrug and join my girl on the sofa as she drinks a glass of tequila ley. She really likes it but as for me, I like Dalmore 62 the most.

So I grabbed one from my mini cabinet then drank it from the bottle while I enjoy the company of this idiot.

She's the only friend, true friend that I have since I was a kid. Growing as the only heir to one of the most influential families in the world has its cons too.

I thought only adults have a mask but kids too have it, portraying a role in front of me but once I became their friend the only thing they see in me is what I have not what I really am as a person.

But Kayla, she acts dumb, is honest, straightforward but she's my best friend and I'm proud to have her.

We were busy talking with each other when a cold and strict voice interrupted our laughter.

''So this is where you've been hiding for the past half hour huh'' says my secretary as she looks at my best friend with a murderous look in her eyes with her hands on her hips.

Kayla's eyes are looking everywhere but Jaqiulin's. She adjusts her necktie as if she's having a problem breathing which is funny since she looks like a kid caught doing naughty things.

I wanted to laugh but I don't wanna be lump with Jaquilin's wrath, I'm smarter than that, nuh-uh.

'I-I-It's n-not like I'm hiding h-here,' says Kayle, stuttering completely nervous of what's about to happen. ' I was... just discussing... yeah! A-about our top 10 best boobs from our one night stand!''

She's dead. That's a fact.

So much for being honest.

'' Oh~ Is that so..." Jaq smiles at her before pulling out a pen from her pocket, she pressed the red button before twisting the 2 inches metal 90°. After that, we hear Kayla's voice:'' Discussing our top 10 best boobs from our one night stands!"

"You... you witch! Delete that before my mother hears it!" shouts Kayla to Jaquilin who's wearing a grin as she presses the button again.

"Mother, you witch!" says the record. The face of Kayla turned pale immediately after hearing the edited voice record.

It started with her boobs (LESBIAN STORY)Where stories live. Discover now