Chapter 5

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The picture above is Yashashree


Yashashree POV

Ugh, my aunt is here! Why of all days in a week she decided to disturb me today?! I was really looking forward to seeing her today, tsk!

It's just like me and my aunt can't stand each other since I've been born. For example, she stole my small toy car when I was in school, when I came home she gave me 10 dollars and said: ''I sold it''.

She said it with a blank face as if she just didn't sell her niece's toy car!

And when I was in 3rd year of high school she took my crush from me, even though she knew that I really liked the girl.

She's my least favorite of all of my aunties on my father's side.

'' Look at you, Josephine! You look beautiful wearing that dress!'' praises my mother as she gently envelops my aunt in her arms. I just roll my eyes at the sight.

Who knows if that's her real smile?

In my knowledge, Witch doesn't smile they just form her lips into a wickedly smile as they perfect their spells and ugliness.

Before I know it the witch is in front of me wearing a smug look as she looks at me from head to toe.

Well, I don't want to be boastful but even my aunt can't keep their eyes off of me! Haha...ha. Ew!

''You are still not straight, I see.'' She says using this opportunity to insult me since my mom is busy preparing foods for us while my dad is busy setting up the grill in the garden.

I glanced at her teeth. ''Neither are your teeth but here we are,'' I retorted. I mean she's living in Japan and they have this trend where they purposely make their teeth crooked. I mean it's unusual and cute but not for her. I dunno why mom finds it cute for her, I mean she's already getting close to her early 40's, she's 37 years old right now but still single. Pfft!

She just rolls her eyes and head to the couch and pout there.

Serve her right! ¡Chupate esa!

Plus if it wasn't for her arrival, I would be in my office right now and doin- I mean teaching Aleena about the new work that I gave her yesterday.

I walk into the kitchen and see my mom busies herself. I have a dilemma. I really like the food that they prepared but I also have a lot of work to do. I pursed my lips and thought about my decision for the third time.

''Umm... Mother, I think I need to go to the office.'' I say out of the blue, she just stares at me, analyzing if I'm telling her the truth. My mom has this like nose that can detect if you are lying. Her eyes linger on my face for seconds before she turns her back on me.

'' Oh really? '' She asks using the sarcastic tone that she always uses when she thinks I'm hiding something from her which is not true because I didn't do anything nasty... yet.

'' Yeah one of our clients requested for me to have a talk with him since he's having a problem with our project, you know,'' I lied, but I know this will help me get out of that witch grasp. '' I'll let you off this time but when your aunt visit again you'll stay here and eat with us.'' She states seriously. Her eyes never fail to scare me. I gulp and reply '' Yes, ma'am.''

With that I took my jacket before grabbing car keys, aunt Josephine looks at me irritated but smirks when she saw I have my car keys with me.

I just roll my eyes at her and continue on my way.

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