Chapter 1

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The meeting became interesting. 

The reason?  

The A-cup woman. 

That didn't sound good but what can I call her if I don't know her name or her whereabouts. 

Her murderous look has been on since she noticed me in this. I should really go to a hospital and do some check up on me. Cause instead of fearing her I find her eyes alluring.

So instead of looking at her that same intensity as she's looking at mines. I smirk and roomed my eyes all over her body.

I was busy checking her ass when I felt a nudge on the side. I look to my left and see  Kayla with a knowing smirk on her face.

She knows.

I simply smile in return. We heard someone clears their throat as if that person wants our attention. I focused my attention back to the front to see the A cup woman glaring at me.

Wow is she really that hot-headed?  Tsk

''And that's our plan for this project. Is there any question or suggestion to improve our plan? If so we would like to hear it.'' Her group members nod their heads and look around to see if someone wants to voice out their opinion.

But it seems like no one wants to. Maybe because she's been glaring at us like she wants to commit murder, she scares them off.  I unconsciously laugh at my silly thought.

''Looks like someone didn't like our presentation.''

I open my eyes immediately to her. Her face is so red or should I say pink. Her hands clutching the red plastic folder to tight that you can see it crack.

Shit, she thought wrong.

I removed the smile from my face and composed myself.

I cleared my throat 2 times so I can buy some time to fabricate an excuse that she can believe. I look into her eyes so she knows that what I'm about to say is serious.

''You thought wrong miss. In fact, I did like your presentation and I congratulate you and your team for your work. You explained your plan well and no time was wasted.''  -I reasoned.

Her eyes lingered for a few more moments before she and her group go back to their corresponding seats.

Whew, why is she so intense?!

I shake my head before sitting back. More people present their power points but I didn't pay them attention.

I spend my time playing  Subway Surfers on my phone below the table. No one seems to notice so I continued to play it but it was taken away from me. 

Jaquilin took it away and told me to pay attention. How can I if they say the same sentence over and over. Besides their plan seems so similar to each other so why bother. Well, one project was different... hers

Now that I'm thinking about her I look at the A cup girl. Her face has this serious expression on while pressing the head of the pen on her lips as she listens and nods her head showing the guy she's listening and acknowledging his plan.

I smile to myself as I stare at her.

She looks so beautiful in her V neck white blouse accompanied by black trousers and 4 inches red heels. Her black hair in a ponytail, allowing me to see her bare neck.

Good spot to put a hickey on.

''Yashashree we need to hurry, Mr. Roanov is waiting,''- whispers Jaq. I sigh knowing that I can't stare at A cup longer.

'' Fine.''  My answer comes out as if I'm tired because Jaq looks at me with worried eyes but I shook my head to let her know I'm not. I just want to gaze at that hot-headed woman.

I stand up and clap my hand to earn their attention. All the people look at me.

'' I'll say this meeting is over. I will think about your plans and choose one of the 5 groups to manage this project-''

''But Ms. Vargantes we haven't finished our exposition yet.'' -interjects the guy with a worried face.

I want to roll my eyes but I can't that seems so unprofessional so I rolled my eyes internally.

''You can send a video to me later,'' 

And with that, I stood up and walk closer to the door. I caught a glimpse of A cup girl. Her mouth is wide open, she seems surprised about the turn of events.

I stop for a moment before exiting the room and look at A cup girl. I pointed my index at her.

And say: ''Go to my office after lunch.''

I didn't let her speak, I walked out and proceed to my next schedule.

This will be fun.

 To be continued.


 Author's Note

I got lost today in the mall so I had the time to write this. I'm bad at navigating around so I had problems going back home.

 Hehehe :')

  Peace out!!

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