All hope is not lost!

"To do what, exactly? At this point if we go there and risk being caught by that bafoon then we're good off being known criminals. The cops will know something's up."

What is hope?

Cole glared down at the Australian boy, a fire in her eyes. The first time he says something sensible and it's stagnatizing. She was about to have a full on chewing contest, where she'd use the boy as the gum but he somehow redeemed himself.

"But of course,"

Felix said reaching for his pocket. He took the USB flash from his pocket, feeling so proud that he finally had a core purpose in this book instead of being placed on the sidelines, for comedic purposes and just being the protagonist' best friend.

"We still have this."

Dawn was about to break - Felix' supposed 'save' wasn't to be done until morning since that's when Animal Welfare is open- and you'd already packed your bags, ready to leave the house filled with adventure. You each one of your heavy bags by the door and sighed out deeply once you'd dropped the last one. Looking around the room, you thought, how much you'd miss having such a spacious room to yourself.

One black bag laid on the bed. You took a deep breath in before grabbing your cap and strapping on the backpack, you pulled two cards out of your pocket. The first you laid next to Cole, who was snoring loudly on your bed then the next you put under Felix' wet with drool pillow-carefully- before tiptoeing to the window. The window where Jacob had almost screwed up your eye with a pepple.

You almost laughed at the memory. It felt like it was years ago. As silently as you could, you rolled up the window. Flinching from the sound of wood rubbing against each other, you turned to find that your friends were still sound asleep. Of course they were, they might as well be labelled as dead whenever they're asleep.

You rolled your eyes at your forgetful memory then proceeded to crawl out the window. You shut it fairly loudly. Cole only twitched.

Making sure to be graceful as you could try being on the thin window pane, which you'd have thought to be easy since you'd done ballet at some point for balance on the field, it wasn't.

In this moment your feet were on air and your fingers tightly gripping the above window while you tried making your toes grip the one below which was Hyunjoon' bedroom window. Ah. Unfortunately your height wasn't enough to reach the pane, only by an inch. Being all of a sudden oblivious to the laws of physics, you decided-on your own account- to let go of your window pane for the advantage of your toes. Forgetting that the pane was thin it need for your top body to be pulled by something, and there was nothing to grab onto, your feet slipped and gravity did it's job.

Time only let slip a quiet gasp from your lips before your harsh landing in a bush on your stomach, knocking all air out of you.

"Ouch." You said breathlessly, crawling back up. You could walk it off.

You bent over to take your cap which had fallen of during your fall and put it back on and limped onwards to your destination.

By now it should be obvious that the 'dogs' Jacob was talking about during your first time trying to sneak out were nothing but fictional. Just a way to scare you.

Good Girl [A The Boyz Fanfic]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora