4. History

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« Maddison? »

Shit. I was in my bubble again. I sometimes have those moments where I just forget I'm in school.

« Uh.. what was the question again? »

« There was no question. I just wanted to make sure you were listening. I know how much you love maths ! » says my teacher sarcastically and then goes back to mathematics.

Maths. Pff. I hate them.

I'm so bored. I look around the class to see if I'm the only one who's not listening. I notice a face that I've never seen before. Looks like Shawn isn't the only new student. Pretty rare that 2 people arrive in the middle of the year but I guess it can happen.

The guy catch me staring at him and smile. I quickly look away and blush. He's cute.

The bell finally rings and I hurry to get out of the class before our teacher as the chance to give us an assignment.

I'm not looking where I'm going and I suddenly bump into someone.

« Oops Sorry! » I look up and see the new kid.

« Don't worry! I don't know where I'm going haha. » I smile.

« You're new right? I'm Maddie! Nice to meet you. »

« Nice to meet you too! I'm Cameron! » He smile and I can see his perfect white theets.

« Okay then I'll guess I'll see you around! » I start to leave but he stops me.

« Wait! I don't remember where my locker is. Could you help me? It's the 234? »

« Oh it's close to mine! I'm 230! We can walk together! »

Me and Cameron walk in directions of our lockers. I'm really shy. Cute guys never talks to me. Well guys just never talk to me.

« So why did you transfer in the middle of the year? »

« My dad got a new job! We move really often. I went pretty much everywhere in The United States and Canada! »

« Wow. I'm impressed. »

« Yeah but it's not as cool as it seems! »

« Yeah I can imagine. Moving from a school to another all the time. » We arrive to my locker where Hannah is already waiting  for me.  She looks really intrigued when notices I'm with a boy.

« Hannah this is Cameron. He's new. Cameron this is Hannah my best friend. »

« You're new? That makes two of you then! My step brother just transfer here too! »

« Oh really? What's his name maybe we could be friends! »

« Shawn. But he's not really the kind of guy you want as a friend. »

« oh I see » He says and laugh.

« Anyways girls I have to get to my next class and I'll probably get lost so I'll   see you later! »

« Bye! » I wave at him and he waves back.

Hannah turns to face me and she has a big smile on her face.

« See you later!! He said see you later!! Maddie the guy has a crush on you!! »

Hannah always imagine a thousands of story with guys. She's a big romantic. Someone will smile at her and she'll imagine their weddings. So I don't think Cameron has a crush on me.

« Umm no. I just helped him find his locker! » I say as I put my things in my locker and take my books for next class.

« Yeah, and then he said see you later! That means that he liked talking to you! He likes you!! »

« Or maybe he just doesn't have any friends here? »

Hannah rolls her eyes.

« Anyways you didn't tell me how it went with Shawn. » I try to turn the conversation around her.

« Oh not so bad. He wasn't really listening to what I was saying and I think he was too tired to tell me any insults. »

« He should be tired more often! »

« I agree with you on that. » 

We close our lockers and walk in direction of our next class.

                                 * * *

« Finally!!! LUNCH TIME! » I say when I get back to Hannah after our second period.

« Ouch don't scream in my ears! »

I'm starving! And eating is like one of my favorite moment of the day. Let's just say that I'm really happy.

We get to the cafeteria and I start eating my lunch. Hannah is sit on my right. Sara and Myla soon come join us.

« Guys!! » they say and sit in front of us.

« have you seen the new kid? » starts Sara.

« Like not you're step brother but the other one! He's really cute! » continues Myla

« There he is look! »

I notice Cameron looking for a table where to sit. I make him a sign to tell him to come eat with us. Myla and Sara look at me shook.

« You know him?! »

« Yeah he's in my class and I helped him find his locker. It's no big deal »

Yes it was a big deal. But I couldn't let Hannah know. She would immediately say that I have a crush or him or something like that.

« Hey! »
Says Cameron while sitting in the empty seat next to me.

« Hey! Cameron this Is Myla and Sara. Girls this is Cameron. He's new here. »

« Aren't you two in my English class? »

« Yes we are. » says Sara shyly.

« Nice. » He says smiling with his white theets. 

We talk with Cameron a lot. He's very interesting and funny. His telling us the place that he visits. He can speak fluently Spanish and French. I'm really impressed.

« Hey Hannah is that him your step brother? »

We all look at where Myla is looking and see Shawn looking at us. He looks a bit angry and he quickly looks away. I roll my eyes. What's his problem?

« Yes it's him. »

« Shawn Mendes is your step brother? » We all look at Cameron surprise.

« You know him? »

« Yeah. I went to school with him in Pickering.»

WoW The world is really small.

« Were you friend with him? »

« Ah! No. Him and I... we kinda have history. Anyway not important. » he says brushing it away.

They have history? What does that mean? Is it good or bad? Is that the reason why Shawn looked at us angry? Because of Cameron? This whole story is spinning in my head. I really want  to know what happened but Cameron doesn't seem like he's gonna tell us anytime soon.

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