22. Happy

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Maddie POV

School yesterday was awful. I kept seeing Hannah and wanting to talk to her but she just ignored me. She even went with Cameron someplace else to eat lunch. Cameron just gave me a sad look every time he saw me. I'm pretty sure he wants to support Hannah and respect her so that's why he's not talking to me. It hurts but I feel like I deserved it.

Of course Myla and Sara asked questions after seeing this. I had to tell them the truth. They know that I'm in a relationship with Shawn. They feel a little bit sad that I didn't tell them sooner but they understand the situation. They don't think I made the right choice but at least they're still talking to me.

Me and Shawn are keeping it lowkey. Except Cameron, Myla, Sara and Hannah, nobody knows we're a couple. We don't want to expose our relationship because I don't think it's the right moment. I just hope I can to talk to Hannah today.

I get to my locker and see Hannah already there waiting for me. She gives me a small smile when she sees me.

"Hey." I say.

"Hey." She answers back. I try to tell if she's still mad or not. It's hard to tell. But I guess her saying hey is a good sign.

"Are you.. still mad?" I ask quietly. She sighs.

"No. I can't loose you for something so stupid. Of course I'm hurt that you lied. But I mean you're my best friend. You made a mistake. I forgive you." She says with a smile. I quickly give her a big hug. A tear falls down my cheek.

"I was so scared that I ruined everything. I'm sorry." We pull away.

"It's fine. Plus it was very hard to being to talk to you for an entire day! I can't even imagine if I would have to spend the rest of my life like that!"

"I know!" We laugh and smile. I'm so happy. I can't wait to tell Shawn the good news.

"So you don't have a problem with me and Shawn dating?"

"I'll have to get used to it." She says with a weird look. I laugh at her face.

"You'll see. Once you get to really know him you realize he's not that bad."

"I still can't imagine you and him in a relationship. I mean.. you have a boyfriend! And it's my hot step brother! »

« Careful young lady! He's mine. » I say and laugh after.

« No but more seriously tho. You have to give me more details. How did you end up in a relationship with him? »

« Well, as you know we became friends because we're in the same science class. And one day, Shawn asked me to hang out with him. We went to the arcade that night. We almost kissed but didn't. »

« omg you almost kissed!!!! Wait why did he invited you? Don't be offended. It's just that? You guys weren't that close right?"

"You're right. Now that I think about it it's weird. I'll have to ask him later."

"Okay continue."

"Okay so then, we had to do a project in science. We had to finish at home so we went to his house. That day we talked and got to know each other better. And we also kissed..."

"Well then you really got to know each other huh?" She says with a smirk.

"Haha really funny!" I say and roll my eyes.

"After what?

"After that we got to school we talked and he asked me to be his girlfriend."

« Awwwwwn!! It's so weird to imagine Shawn being vulnerable like that. »

« Yeah! He's really more sensitive than you would imagine. »

« I got to see this side of him yesterday... "

« What? Why? » I ask confused.

"Shawn talked to me at home. He just talked about how a friendship is about forgiving one another. He also told me the way he felt about you. I understood that what you have is real. He's really hook on you you know."

"He is?" I say and blush. I had the feeling that the way I felt so strong about him was reciprocated, but hearing it makes me even more happy.

"Yeah. I'm surprised you haven't said the L word yet."

"Well isn't a little bit soon for that?"

"Why would it be?"

"In books and stories, the caratchers always wait like months before telling each other. We've only been going out for like a month."

"Well I don't think it's about time. I think it's really more about the way you feel with each other. You two seems so happy. I guess it's okay if you feel the need to say it now. Maybe he even wanted to tell you but was scared of your reaction."

"Omg You think? Oh no." I start sweating. I don't know how to handle these facts. Is it good news? It should be right? But this is making me so nervous.

"Calm down! I don't know. It was just a guess. You don't have to worry about that. You can just say it when you are both ready."

"Yeah okay." I say still worried.

"But do you? Feel that way about him I mean?"

"How would I know?! I don't know what love is. I know I like spending all my time with him but is that what love is?"

"I don't know either to be honest. I guess when you'll know you'll just have to say it."

"Yeah probably..."

"Hey but I have something to tell you." She says with a big smile.


"Cameron invited me to go on a date with him."

"OMG!!! What??! And you waited all this time to tell me?!!!" I say and my eyes widen.

"You can't blame me! You hide your relationship."

"You're right sorry." I say with a sorry face.

"But when did he asked you?"

"Yesterday! We had a lot to talk about you know since we spend the whole day together."

"AWWWWN OMG!! That's amazing!!! Guess my mistake was useful after all! » I say and wink.

« Yeah But never do that again. » She says and we laugh.

« Hey girls! I can see that you two talk! » says Cameron approaching us. We look at each other and smile.

« Yes we are! Everything is fine now.» says Hannah.

« Great! Finally! » he says.

« Okay guys I know we need to catch up after not talking to each other for a whole day, but I need to talk to Shawn for a sec. »

« Okay go ahead! I'll wait for you before going in math. » says Cameron.

« Thanks. »

I run towards my boyfriend's locker. I immediately give him a long and passionate kiss. We pull away and his eyes widen.

« Wow. What did I do to deserves this? » he asks and giggle.

« Thank you for talking to Hannah. » I say and keep my arms around his neck.

« So she forgave you? »

« Yes she did. » I say and smile at him. He hugs me tight.

« Great! I was so scared our relationship would have destroyed everything. » He gives me a quick kiss .

"I'm so happy!" He says with an excited voice. I laugh at his reaction.

"Hey and now that Hannah knows about it... we can tell people at school about our relationship you know. Like our friends. And we can eat lunch together." We both smile. Thinking that we won't have to hide anymore makes me really happy.

This is gonna be like living a dream.

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