27. Ideas

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« Hey mom. »

Shawn looks at my mother standing next to Hannah with her arms crossed. We both gulps.

« Hey Shawn I see you're having a great weekend. » Says my mother with a smirk.

« Hi Mme Amy. » says Shawn all red. I know he already told me that my mom was his teacher but I completely forgot about that.

« Maddison I wish you could stay but you have to come with me. I forgot that you had a dentist appointment."

"I'll go get my things" I say.

" Okay I'll wait for you in the car." Says my mom. She gives us a last look before shaking her head and smirking.

"Omg that was so akward I'm sorry!" I say to everyone. They all just laugh.

"Wow I can't believe that this is the way your mom found out about our relationship." Says Shawn.

"I know! But now I'll go pack." I go upstairs and Shawn follows me.

"I'm sorry about my mom."

"It's fine!"

"You know it's making me think about something... I've never met your parents. I mean yes I know who your mom is but I haven't presented myself as your boyfriend." He says.

"You would like to meet them more:.. formally? Like a dinner and everything?"

"Yes? I mean it's important for me that your parents have a good opinion about me! And I would like for you to come eat dinner here too so I can present you as my girlfriend."

"Okay! That's a good idea I guess. I'll talk to my mom about it."

"Great." He says and kiss me. We pull away and I finish packing my things. We go back downstairs.

" goodbye guys!" I say to everyone. I'm about to open the door it Shawn grabs my arm.



He gives me a longer kiss and whisper in my ear.

"I love you."

Those words make my heart flip every time.

"I love you too." I say and go outside. I get inside the car. I fear what's coming next. My mom starts the car.

"So.... when were you going to tell me that one of my student was your boyfriend?"

Wow. Straight to the point mom.

" soon I guess?"

"Since when are you going out with him?"

" 1 month and almost 2 weeks"

I feel like I've done this conversation already but with multiple different person.

" Awwwwn." Says my mom smiling.

"Shawn is a great student." She adds.

"Well he's a good guy."

This situation is a little bit confortable.

"How did you met him?"

" He's Hannah's step brother."

"Wow! That's him?"

My mom knew that Hannah's step mom and her children moved in. She just never met them.

"Yeah, and about that... since there's a lot of things you don't know about him I would like to invite him home for dinner. So that everyone can probably meet him."

"Yes! That's a great idea!! And why don't we invite all of his family too? Like that we could all get to know each other!"

Our families mixed together? Hannah's family and my family already made dinner togethers. We've been friends for so long! So with Shawn's family too it shouldn't be so weird?

"I guess we could do that. I'm going to propose the idea to Shawn."

"Great!" My mom says and park the car.

I'm in FaceTime with Shawn right now.

« Hey so earlier I asked my mom if I could invite you over to dinner so that she could properly meet you. And she proposed something. » I begin.

« what? »

« She proposed the idea that we could mixed our families together for dinner. To like get to know each other more. My parents are good friends with Hannah's dad and they've been dying to meet his new lover. So it's the perfect occasion for them to meet your mom and to meet you at the same time. »

« That's a great idea! I'll talk to my mom later about it. I'll have to tell her that I have a girlfriend. She doesn't know yet. »

« Does that makes you nervous? »

« Not so much. I know she'll adore you. What makes me more nervous is officially meeting your parents. » he says with a scared face.

« Don't worry! I'm sure it won't be so worse! Plus my mom said that you were a good student so she can't hate you! »

« She said that? »

« Yes in the car! »

« Okay that's a relieve at least. »

I smile at my screen.

« You're pretty. I wish you could be really there with me right now. »

« Shawn we literally saw each other all weekend! » I say and laugh.

« I know but if I could I would always keep you with me! Just to hug you. Look into your pretty eyes, play in your soft hair. Hold your tiny hands. Kiss your soft lips... »

My heart beats faster at each sentence.

« I wish you were here too. » I say and look at him on the screen. We stay in silence for a moment.

« You know what? One day I wish I can take you on a real date. I know that we did things outside of the house together. But we never had a real date. Something that I could have organized just for you. »

« Where would you take me. » I say and lay down on my bed.

« I would take you somewhere extraordinary. Fly you to another country. We would be in first class of course. I would take you to one of those cute restaurants that makes beautiful Instagram pictures. Then we could spend the evening together. Walk in a parc or on the beach. We then would put a blanket somewhere, lay on it. We could watch the stars and talk about multiple things. And stay up till we can watch the sunset. »

I close my eyes and imagine the scene. How perfect that sounds.

« Yes that would be. Simply amazing. » I say quietly.

« Can you believe that next year we're going to be seniors? »

« I know it's crazy! I feel like just last year I was making my entrance at school as a freshman. »

« You know what else there is next year? » I add

« What? »

« Prom. Imagine if we could go to prom together."

"We will don't worry about that!"

I so hope that what he's saying is true.

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