Chapter Fifteen- Think Happy Thoughts

Start from the beginning

 “Can we call it a day?” George flopped down onto the sofa, his voice worn. He’d put so much effort into his vocals. I was dead proud of him.

 All of us left our instruments at the studio apart from Matt who was going to Maisy’s house to give her a bass tutorial.

 “Twenty quid says he plays one note and they spend the rest of the evening making out…” Jake whispered to me as we all climbed into the car.

 We dropped Matt off at Maisy’s and then dropped off Bryan and then Rich. I really wanted to know how Jake could afford all of this petrol, and how he managed to drive unlicensed, usually drunk too, without getting caught. I was too afraid to ask, though- with Jake, even the simplest question had the most horrifically random answer. George came with us back to Jake’s house.

 School had let us take the week off to spend every day at the studio so long as we agreed to catch up on the work in our own time. Because that was going to happen… We all knew that the second we could start touring we would drop school like a hot whatever. A-Levels weren’t compulsory for us so they didn’t matter right now. Even if everything flopped and we ended up half homeless, we’d be able to return to our education then.

 We ordered Chinese Takeaway for dinner and started to watch The Godfather whilst we waited for it to arrive, because I knew it was one of George’s favourite films. Jake sat in the armchair and me and George lounged across the sofa together. Every now and then Jake would look over to us and a weird expression would creep over his face; even though he was completely straight, I knew he was still jealous.

 George’s phone rang and he answered it.

 “Hello?” he said. He frowned and started flapping his hand at the TV so I muted it. “You’re what? Where? Fuck, I’m on my way.”

 He leapt up and ran from the room and I chased after him, Jake following. George grabbed the car keys from the bottom step of the staircase and flew out of the front door to the car.

 “George, what the fuck is going on?” I asked as he unlocked the car.

 “No, George, let me drive!” Jake said.

 “You won’t go fast enough- I need to get there fast.” George replied as he jumped into the driver’s seat and slammed the door shut. “Everybody’s gotta drive sometime!” he sang to the tune of Avenged Sevenfold’s A Little Piece Of Heaven.

 Jake barely had time to get through the back car door when George hit the accelerator. I did my seatbelt up quickly and reached over to do up George’s as he spun the wheel manically and tried to keep the car straight. It was mine and George’s driving escapade all over again- and I had a feeling it was for the same reason. Matt.

 “If you wreck my car, I’ll kill you!” Jake yelled.

 “My brother is more important!”

 “Fair play!”

 We sped through town and thankfully didn’t hit anything. Suddenly George slammed on the brakes and stopped in the middle of a deserted road and leapt out of the car. The street lights down the road were off but I could feel glass under my foot; someone had taken the lights out on purpose.

 “Matt?” George shouted as he ran. “Matt?”

 I was searching and calling for Matt too, as was Jake.


 It was Jake who had cried out to him. I tried to follow his voice but the darkness made it so difficult to find him. We couldn’t even use our phones as lights because we hadn’t had time to grab them before we left. I was walking blind. I could only see one end of the road because of the lights on the adjoining street.

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