Chapter Four [Part One]- Vampires Will Never Hurt You

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As I had predicted, Rich was incredibly hard working when it came to music. He begged us to practice in every spare moment; as a group during and after school as well as at home on our own. George still refused to sing. Rich even talked about taking us to his cousin’s studio so we could record and listen to it.

 I was still on my first week at my new school but I felt ridiculously worn out. All the music practice plus homework left little time to just relax. People seemed to be leaving us alone around school though, which lessened the stress slightly.

 It was Friday, thank the Lord. I only had four lessons, history, double English and Spanish. Then I was free for the weekend. I was due to be staying over at Jake’s house for a few days, just for the hell of it. I was staying over tonight and then both Matt and I would stay over tomorrow night.

 I had been running late on my way to school and had therefore not had enough time to grab my copy of Jekyll and Hyde from my locker before registration. After history I sprinted to the form block, taking the stairs two at a time and quickly approaching my locker. Nowadays whenever I got something from my locker I stood slightly to the side so that it would be difficult for someone to push me in and trap me inside. I hunted for the book and stowed it in my Misfits backpack, slamming the locker door so it locked and walked away.

 I started towards the door, checking my watch to make sure I wasn’t too late. I looked up as the door opened. It was one of Liam’s cronies. I rolled my eyes. I heard footsteps behind me too and turned my head to see another member of Liam’s group walking a few metres behind me. I waited… and broke into a run, as did both of the guys. I looked to my left and saw that one of the two janitor’s closets was open. I should have turned and run the other way; they were herding me towards it and it was too late. One of them pushed me inside, the other slammed the door shut. It locked instantly. I pounded on the door and screamed but I heard them high-five each other, laugh and run away.

 “Oh… C’MON!” I screamed, kicking the door. It hurt my foot so much that I started hopping, clutching my toes.

 “JAMES?” the muffled cry came from the other closet. I paused.

 “BRYAN? IS THAT YOU?” I shouted back.

 “YEAH!” he yelled.



 I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled George’s number… which I knew off by heart… I’d spent such a large portion of my life longing to have friends that now I had them they consumed my every thought. I knew all of their birthdays and what I was going to get them. I knew their favourite things. Just like they had learned all about me; I was another edition to the group. The phone rang twice before he answered.

 “James? Oh thank god. Can you help me? Some twats trapped me in one of the music practice rooms!” he asked.

 “No! Ugh, me and Bryan are trapped in the janitors’ closets in the form block.” I explained. “Have you asked Jake?”

 “I tried to ring him but he’s not answering. D’you think they took it from him? Or d’you think… he can’t answer?” he asked.

 I felt my stomach jolt. We may be fine but who knows what had happened to Jake. They could have done anything to him… our only hope now was for either Rich or Matt to figure out what was going on. Unfortunately Matt didn’t keep his phone on during the day in case it went off in class. That just left us with Rich.

 “Everybody, you better start to pray right now!” I shouted so Bryan could hear me too. I put my phone on loud speaker and put it in the centre of the small room. Bryan wouldn’t be able to hear it but somehow it made me feel less alone, like George was trapped with me.

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