Chapter Twelve- Jet Black Feeling

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 “If you don’t get out of bed I will kill you.”

 The curtains were thrown apart, flooding the room with light. I groaned and pulled the blanket up and over my head, but it was soon ripped from my hands. I instantly curled up against the cold air of morning time, refusing to open my eyes. I heard Jake sigh.

 “I said get out of bed!” he repeated.

 “I’m not in bed, I sleep on a sofa!” I countered. I opened one eye and he was standing next to me with his hands on his hips, lips pursed.

 “Yes, and you’ve not moved from said sofa in three days! Now get up- you have to go to school today!” Jake said. He grabbed my arm and dragged me onto the floor and I ground as my shoulder smashed against the ground. I kicked out my leg, taking his legs out from beneath him so he was then sprawled on the floor too.

 “I’m not going to school!”

 “Fine, but don’t be surprised if Mr Hughes tells your mum today! And make sure you actually do something today, or you’re going to go crazy. And you better come with me to band practice at Bryan’s later.” he ordered, standing up and rubbing his back.

 “No way! He’s going to be there!”

 Jake groaned again and clapped his hands over his face, violently shaking his head.

 “Would you two stop being such fucking girls? I go to school and he’s moping, I come home and you’re whining- would you just have make up sex and get over it already?”

 I took him to the ground and pummelled him again. Playfully, obviously. He got showered and dressed and went to school, and I slumped back down onto the sofa. What was I supposed to do? I switched on the TV and started flicking through the channels, too fast to even see what was on. I threw the remote across the room in anger and watched as it hit the wall opposite and the batteries fell out. Sighing, I stood up and walked into the kitchen, looking around at the mess. Honestly, I’d been out of it for three days and the place was already a complete mess. I caught sight of myself in the window and got a shock. I was a complete mess. My hair was stuck up all over the place and I was still wearing the clothes I’d worn to school on the day of the argument.

 I missed George so much. I’d though being apart from him when we were together was bad enough, but being apart apart from him? Hell, utter hell. I was filled with endless questions. Did he still love me? Did he still like me? Would he speak to me again? Did he hate me? Did he want to see me, just to decide whether or not we could still be friends- or maybe more?

 I hadn’t even realised I had started cleaning, but once I realised I couldn’t stop. I worked my way around the whole kitchen, cleaning and organising it like a person with OCD. By the end of the morning the kitchen was done and I had nothing else to do. I went upstairs and into Jake’s room and made his bed- the sheets of which I had washed after mine and George’s night together. George

 I hadn’t eaten anything for the last three days and I still wasn’t hungry, but I wanted something to do so I started making dinner for us to reheat later. I didn’t know what to make and because my brain had decided that the more components to the meal the better, I ended up making about three separate meals within one dinner. Out of things to do once again I grabbed a bottle of vodka, a box of cookies which I wouldn’t even eat, and continued to lounge across the sofa as I waited for Jake to return.

 Scamp came running into the living room with his lead in his mouth and started whining. We had a little argument before he chased me up the stairs. I got changed and fastened his leash and we left the house. It wasn’t cold out but I had a band hoodie on anyway to stop the sunlight from colouring my skin. It takes effort to look like a vampire. Or dead. I decided to take Scamp to the park so that I could be lazy and sit around whilst he ran. I took him to the large field and undid his lead and he instantly ran off. Breathing in the fresh air, I made my way over to the large oak tree that I normally sat under.

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